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Re: Ethernet with no IP address


I know mikrotik routers which you administer using own application (winbox), acceeding via mikrotik device Mac address.
>From there you can administer vlan, bridge config to connect ports or not. I do not believe you can filter packets as it would be an on/off switch connecting/switching ports at layer 2.

These are quite cheap, 35€ aprox.


El 10/07/2013 15:51, "Eric Barnes" <eric@barnestormertechnologies.com> va escriure:

Greetings and Salutations;


Is it possible to access an Ethernet port in Debian WITHOUT it being configured? 

I would like a device that has two ports with no IPs and acts as a SWITCH, but with logic to examine and act on packets as they come through.

From the research I've done, this is not possible without developing custom device driver and/or possibly changing part of kernel.

Just looking for some confirmation either way from people that know.  :-)




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