Re: IP alias and port forwarding - packets die at external interface
--- Nathan BaBarhamnanathanlsleepygeekom> wrote:
> Tarragon Allen wrote:
> >
> > Just a quick guess, you know that DNDNSequests use TCP sometimes instead of
> > UDUDPYou need to allow both..
> >
> Thanks for the reply. Allowing TCP dididn fix it, but it appears to be
> solved. In trying to solve it, I just grabbed a sample script off of
> the ininternetmodified it to use my IPIP, and ran that instead of my own
> script. Bingo it worked. Then I put my script back in place, without
> modifying anything, and it worked too, even after rebooting.
> The only thing I can see in the other script that I can attribute this
> to is the command /sbsbinedepmoda , which my script dididn have. I'd
> like to break it again to be sure what the problem was, but I'm not sure
> how. Anyway, works great now.
Could it have been that you had old test rules in your table, a -F(--flush) would have fixed this.
This is a rereallyool script I use to deal with this, in a more elelegantanner.
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