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Re: ping sendto: operation not permitted

> eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:AF:6A:A8:9F  
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  

Based on this, I'd say it's a problem with your cable modem connecting
to your ISP (assuming it's cable). Your modem probably configures itself
as a DHCP server when it's not on the Internet, which is why it handed
out that private address to you. Mine does the same thing when it's
having trouble getting on the net. Your modem likely has a web status
page, so try browsing to that and look at its status report. For
example, my modem has the address Read your modem manual
if you can find one, too.

If your modem isn't the problem, you might have to send your ISP a
hostname or other silly authentication. Also try different dhcp clients,
like pump or udhcpc. Have you connected the modem to more than one
computer? Some modems don't allow that. To fix it, you'd probably have
to hard reset the modem, but it may have an option to reset it on the
web status page.

I think your best bet is to read the cable modem HOWTO on www.tldp.org.
It has information on many many cable ISPs, and the steps necessary to
cope with the difficult ones. There's also a DHCP HOWTO there. Of
course, if you don't have cable, feel free to ignore this :)

Good luck.

	Jason McCarty

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