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Re: Could someone please explain this output?

* Jor-el (jorel@trillian.megadodo.umb) [010815 23:34]:
> Hi,
> 	Here is what I get on my Potato system :
> #ipchains -L input
> Chain input (policy DENY):
> target     prot opt     source                destination           ports
> ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere             anywhere              n/a
> DENY       all  ----l-          anywhere              n/a
> ACCEPT     all  ------  localnet/24          anywhere              n/a
> DENY       all  ----l-  localnet/24          anywhere              n/a
> ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere             _my_hostname_here
> n/a
> ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere          n/a
> DENY       all  ----l-  anywhere             anywhere              n/a
> 	How do I interpret this output? For example, the lines handling
> the source = localnet/24 - will they let a packet from outside pass in or
> be rejected? Why are there two lines? This configuration is the result of
> me doing a 'apt-get install ipmasq' - so there really hasnt been any
> customization by me.

You'll get more meaningful output with 

ipchains -L -v

What I suspect is going on is that the rules say something like
localhost/8 -i ! lo -j DENY and localnet/24 -i eth0 -j ACCEPT and
localnet/24 -i ! et0 -j DENY. The -v flag will show you the interfaces
specified in the rules as well, so you can understand what's going on.


Vineet                                   http://www.anti-dmca.org
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