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Re: db.debian.org (and related infrastructure) updates

Op 30-12-2006 om 16:31 schreef Joerg Jaspert:
> On 10884 March 1977, Ryan Murray wrote:

Beide mailtjes ging naar debian-devel-announce

Joerg "Ganneff" Jaspert zijn hele bericht volgt nu
en daarna mijn vragen aan jullie.

> > Here's some news on recent db.debian.org changes that are now available:
> > The LDAP schema has been updated to include several new fields:
> > 	* Date of Birth (developer-only visible)
> > 	* Gender (world visible)
> > 	* Mail disable message
> > 	* Mail greylisting
> > 	* Mail sender verification callouts
> > 	* Mail whitelist
> > 	* Mail RBL list
> > 	* Mail RHSBL list
> As there have been a few questions on IRC about all this, here a few
> answers to questions that came up:
>  - While you can disable mail receiving and set greylisting / callout
>    via the webinterface, every other mail related change needs to be
>    done via the mail gateway.
>    That means setting whitelist, rbl and rhsbl need to go the mail way,
>    in the same way that dns zone updates for debian.net are done.
>  - If you whitelist hosts - dont bother to whitelist any .debian.org
>    host, they are automagically whitelisted.
>  - The greylist timeout had been 60 minutes, which was the package
>    default of greylistd. It is now changed to 10 minutes, and a bug has
>    been filed to hopefully get the default in the package changed too (#405030)
>  - the birthDate field isn't currently available via the mail daemon,
>    this will be fixed soon.
>  - birthDate currently requires a valid year. This will be changed so
>    you can specify 0000 if you don't want to enter a year.
>  - Sender verification callout is sometimes also called sender
>    verify. It means that master.debian.org tries to get a mail sent to
>    the address in the MAIL FROM part (stopping right after RCPT TO:) and
>    decides on the reply what to do. A permanent error (the 5xx case)
>    will let master reject the mail, a temporary error (the 4xx case)
>    will also get master to sent out a 4xx error. It will also reply with
>    4xx in case a callout uses too much time and then continue to
>    validate the address. Results will be cached, of course.
>  - The RHSBL feature in use takes the envelopes sender (ie MAIL FROM) to
>    look up, not the domain of the client. For postfix users this means
>    usage of reject_rhsbl_sender instead of _client.
> If you want to adjust some handling of all this, add more nice features,
> generally help with our central userdatabase and what it is able to do
> for us - you can find the source code at [1] and the cgi part that is
> visible through the web is at [2], with templates in [3]. If you have
> something feel free to contact admin@db.debian.org with proposals and/or
> patches.
> [1] http://cvs.debian.org/userdir-ldap/?root=debian-admin
> [2] http://cvs.debian.org/userdir-ldap-cgi/?root=debian-admin
> [3] http://cvs.debian.org/db.debian.org/?root=webwml
> -- 
> bye Joerg
> <dilinger> i just managed to procrastinate an extra 30 mins by reading
> 		   an article on how not to procrastinate

Wat hebben jullie[1] er mee gedaan?

Ik bedoel hebben jullie een van de optie ge-activeerd?
En wil iemand er wat meer over vertellen?
Bij voorkeur over het effect op de hoeveelheid spam die je via Debian krijgt.

Geert Stappers

[1] ik heb me laten vertellen dat er zo'n veertig nederlandse DD zijn

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