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Re: [debian.nl] Debian Meetings

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:04, Ivo Timmermans wrote:
> biella wrote:
> > We realize that people are scattered all over the country so we thought
> > that it might be a good idea to propose 2 dates and places so that
> > people in different parts of the country can make it. The first
> > proposal is for Saturday the 19th of October in Utrecht and the second
> > is for the 25th of October in Enschede. This is not an either/or
> > proposition but two seperate gatherings.
> Like I said earlier, I will attend the meeting in Enschede.
> If anyone else from the western part of the country wants to go there,
> I'm travelling by car from Delft.

If there's space in the car then I'll probably meet you there.  Delft is 
closer to Amsterdam than Enschede and I'd rather spend time hanging out with 
Debian people in a car than alone on a train.  However if there are people 
from Delft to take all the seats then I'll catch a train.

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