2014-06-14 9:44 GMT+02:00 Kevin Mark <
> Hi Yehuda and Brenda,
> That's great info that you provided.
> Just a few more bits.
> There is an Organization 'Open Hatch', they typically visit campuses in the US
> and do 'on boarding' for various open source projects by doing a presentation
> about what Open sourcce is and about the community. One of the co-founders
> (Asheesh aka Paulproteous) is a DD (debian developers), so this is a good
> person to contact. He might do a video session or might have pointers as to a
contact in .il. Either way, its has good stuff to browser at their website.
> You can chat on IRC at #openhatch on irc.freenode.net
I have the feeling that in this particular case, at least, it would be
a good thing if a woman or a girl could be the one to video
conference, if that could be done. I think that is reason we got the
request at Debian Women, and I also see the possible benefits from it,
as it seems to be, in fact, a college for women. I understand that if
it is an in-person activity, such as visiting a campus, you will have
to do by whomever is available, male or female, and that makes totally
sense. That constraint is broken when we're talking about video
conferences, so in my opinion it would be nice if some woman or girl
would be able to do it.
In the case that it was not possible, we might
maybe want to have an internal debate on how to make it possible for
future situations.
yes, I agree. The co-founder is female, as well as other people involved with OH. So this seems very possible, scheduling permitting.