Re: Debian Women Introduction
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 01:52:20PM -0400, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> Hello Yehuda,
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 10:17:22AM +0300, Yehuda Korotkin wrote:
> > Hello Debian Women,
> >
> > My name is Yehuda Korotkin and I teach technologies in one of leading
> > colleges for women in Israel.
> >
> > I thought about the possibility of introduce Debian and the Debian
> > community to the girls that i teach.
> >
> > Our girls will install Debian Linux for the first time in their lives next
> > week. I would like to take them on a journey in the Debian world (from
> > installation to community behind code). And give them a feeling of welcome
> > and belonging to Debian.
> >
> > I think would be fun and interesting to make a video conference call with
> > community and give them a general explanation about Debian, introduce them
> > to the community and get them welcome to the world of Debian
> >
> > We could allocate up to 45 minutes for this conference.
> > The study hours are GMT+2 (Jerusalem Time) between Sun-Thu 10:00-19:00.
> >
> > I hope that in a soon will be more active profiles on
> >
> >
> >
> > So, What do you say ?
> > Pros?
> > Cons?
> >
> > >>> Your opinion is important to me, tell me what you think
> >
> > --
> >
> > Regards,
> > Yehuda Korotkin
> >
> > <>
> >
> > web
> >
> > mobile +972 (50) 414-6444
> >
> > email
> ---end quoted text---
> Great that you are introducing your students to Debian!
> I'm not a big part of Debian aside from being a devoted user, but I'd
> like to let you know about how Debian works in terms of
> communications.
> Having a video conference like this is extremely unusual for the
> Debian organization. Mostly the users and developers use email, irc
> and other non-synchronous means for virtually all communication. Once
> in a while, there is a conference and some Debian people will meet in
> person. Mainly, the communications are not about introducing Debian -
> the people communicating are already using Debian. There is very
> little in the way of introductions/recruitment aside from the
> web pages that describe Debian ( and the wiki).
> I can see the value in making the introduction to the students more
> interactive than the usual Debian communications though. A lot of
> people, esp. young people today (everywhere), are just not interested
> in typing to write programs or communicate.
> You have contacted a very good group in terms of getting a response
> for talking to women (debian-women).
> In addition, there are some groups among Debian that support "events".
> These people go to non-Debian conferences (that are willing to have
> them) and promote Debian there.
> I think it might be worth sending an email to those lists (usually
> called debian-events-???, like debian-events-na, etc). These people
> are used to receiving requests similar to what you want and are
> experienced in this kind of communication. Since you are willing to
> do a video conference, then probably anyone anywhere in the world can
> help you - they don't have to be in your region. It would help the
> person who will be introducing Debian to know a bit about the
> background of their audience.
> In terms of making the talk interesting to your students, these
> groups can also get some items like stickers or t-shirts to sell
> or give to the students. Normally they bring them to the event;
> I'm not sure if it will be possible to ship stuff like that to
> another country. Debian has pretty much no marketing budget.
> So I hope this helps! You can see a list of Debian mailing lists
> here:
> and here is the list of mailing lists with "events" in the name:
> debian-events-eu europe
> debian-events-ha hispanic america
> debian-events-na north america
> debian-events-nl netherlands
> I see also the lists with "dug" in the name (Debian user group,
> maybe) help to coordinate events in their regions:
> debian-dug-by Belarus
> debian-dug-ie ireland
> debian-dug-in india
> debian-dug-mx mexico
> debian-dug-quebec quebec
> You can also connect with the #debian irc chat on oftc. It would
> be closer to the kind of communications that Debian users are
> accustomed to. See and search for
> "On-line Real Time Help Using IRC" for more info.
> However, that channel is not really for social chitchat or general
> introductions. It is more for solving specific problems that you
> might run into while installing or using Debian. You can get
> almost-real-time help from there. So it might be useful while your
> students are actually doing their install.
> Does anyone else have anything to add?
> So I hope I haven't misrepresented Debian ... I have copied this
> email to debian-events-na where I know there are some people
> who might respond.
> bjb
Hi Yehuda and Brenda,
That's great info that you provided.
Just a few more bits.
There is an Organization 'Open Hatch', they typically visit campuses in the US
and do 'on boarding' for various open source projects by doing a presentation
about what Open sourcce is and about the community. One of the co-founders
(Asheesh aka Paulproteous) is a DD (debian developers), so this is a good
person to contact. He might do a video session or might have pointers as to a
contact in .il. Either way, its has good stuff to browser at their website.
You can chat on IRC at #openhatch on
I'll add my diagrams that are useful for Debian. They are not up-to-date as
Debian has changed since 2007 a bit. But you can try to use DIA to translate
them if you want.
you can also look at the videos from the awesome minidebconf in Barcelona that
was made possible from Debian Women (10 years strong)
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