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impressions, first day of LWE

Well, I was frankly amazed by the interest we got at the booth.  It
wasn't at all uncommon to have 3-levels of people stacked up.  We also
had plenty of Debian people staffing the booth.  In fact, folks at the
next booth were complaining about us because of all the spill-over
from our booth to theirs (you'd think they'd be happy, but whatever).

Problems included the fact that we (again) couldn't get our donated
Sun Blade, and Kinkos screwed us so we had no banner.  Oh, and the
fact that with that kinda popularity we really need a double booth.

I'd have to say the first day seemed to be a rousing success.

I forgot to bring my digital camera, so no pictures from me, sadly.

I'd like to give special gratitude to Linux Central, who provided over
1,000 CDs.  Most of these were 7 CD complete sets of Woody, which we
sold out of!  These were really shockingly popular with attendees.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@debian.org.....<URL:http://www.debian.org/>

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