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LinuxWorld, New York status report

[sorry for the very broad CC]

First, I'd like to say **THANKS** in big glowing letters to Susan for
taking the booth scheduling initiative.  I haven't been as available as I
would like lately for a number of reasons[*].

On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 06:31:16PM -0500, Francois Gurin wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 03:04:32PM -0500, Susan G. Kleinmann wrote:
> > Jaldhar wrote:
> > > How about one developer and one or more enthusiastic  users?  If we
> > > asked on debian-user, we would probably get some responses.
> > I, for one, encourage Jaldhar to go ahead and do just that, since otherwise
> > we will definitely be short of manpower.
> > 
> > Meantime, I'm cc'ing this to the list that Remco kindly set up for
> > this dicussion, i.e.:  debian-events-na
> > 
> > I hope we can continue this discussion on that list.  However, I do not
> > know if that list is open to users.
> I just cleared myself a day and can help out at the booth.  Whichever
> day works out best for to be on duty, let me know.

How about Thursday?

Johnie Ingram (netgod) is, I think available part of the time, as are a
couple of friends of his, Sonja and Genise.

I'd like to (tentatively, of course) propose that we have at least 3 people
set up for booth duty per day.  Only two people should be needed at any one
time, but who wants to man the booth for a solid day?

Of course, I will be available to take up the slack at just about any time.

So, how about this?:

Wednesday:  Jaldhar, Branden, (Sonja | Johnie | Genise)
Thursday:   Adam, Branden, (Sonja | Johnie | Genise)
Friday:     Susan, Branden, Francois, (Sonja | Johnie | Genise)

If possible, I'd like to have 1 day (mostly) off from booth duty, but we'll
see if that works out.

I'll probably be unavailable around Thursday at 4pm because I will need to
present at the Maximum Linux/Progeny laptop raffle.

Now, here's the news:


Officially, Debian has booth #969.  This is outside the .Org Pavilion, and
is not prewired for electricity or network.  This is bad.  We will have to
beg or borrow these things off of neighbor booths.


Back channel communications (no official emails yet, unfortunately)
indicate that VA may regard it as a screwup that a booth was not reserved
in the .Org Pavilion for Debian.  So it is *possible* that we will be
relocated to the .Org Pavilion, where we'll have carpet, electricity, and

Probably won't know for sure until tomorrow morning when I go talk to the
Powers That Be.


Sun is loaning us a nice computer again, an Ultra10 and a flat panel LCD
display.  This will probably be the centerpiece of our booth since I know
of no other computers that will be around, except for the Progeny laptop
from time to time as I finish tweaking it into shape.

I am bringing a 5-port dual-speed hub.

If someone wants wireless out of the Debian booth, you'll need to bring a
base station.  :)


I am flying out shortly.  During show hours I hope to have access to my
email.  I may be able to get access to a cell phone; if and when I do I
will send email with the number.

Otherwise, anyone attending can call me at my hotel:

(212) 971-0101 -- the room is in my name

If for some reason hotel voice mail is broken, nonexistent, or otherwise, I
will from time to time check my home voice mail; that number is
(317) 841-8285.

If anyone is interested in getting together for dinner tonight, please call
my hotel.  My flight arrives at 7:10pm EST and I hope to be to my room by

[*] Including being gagged on the #debian-devel IRC channel by doogie, who
apparently would rather use chanop power to abuse other developers than enforce
the channel's charter as a forum for Debian *developers* (and people
sponsored by them).  How petty can you get?  :-/

G. Branden Robinson             |    Convictions are more dangerous enemies
Debian GNU/Linux                |    of truth than lies.
branden@debian.org              |    -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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