Fwd: [FLOSSK] Call for BalkanConnect2018 Hackathons
The Skopje and Pristina events are very close to the Tirana BSP (3-4
March) if anybody wants to spend a few days in the Balkans
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Subject: [FLOSSK] Call for BalkanConnect2018 Hackathons
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 13:13:54 +0100
From: Besfort Guri FLOSSK <besfort.guri@flossk.org>
To: general <general@lists.flossk.org>, members
CC: Milena Stefanovic <milena.stefanovic@balkanfund.org>
Dear all,____
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the policy
hackathons*#BalkanConnect2018, *which will be held in*Sarajevo *(26-27
February),*Belgrade *(3-4 March),*Skopje *(8-9 March)**and*Pristina
*(10-11 March).____
* *____
The goal of this regional project is to inspire innovative ideas on how
to change the Balkan political and social environments. Participants
will have the opportunity to meet world-renowned experts, to influence
policy making in an innovative way, and to be funded to develop their
Policy hackathon is a competition in which participants produce creative
proposals on what should be changed and how to make those changes, in
order to improve the functioning of our societies. Policy hackathons
#BalkanConnect2018 are *competitions for the best digital policy tool*
for influencing the challenges faced by the region. Competitors will
design and outline an original digital policy tool, and explain how it
can affect the problem identified by the team within one of three
topics: Dream green; Hack the corruption, law rulz; and Read between the
lies. *To participate in this competition, programming skills are not
necessary*. ____
If you would like to learn more about policy hackathon in your country,
you can meet and talk with the organisers at the Info Day
<http://hackathons.balkanfund.org/#info> (Belgrade, 2 February; Skopje,
9 February; Pristina, 10 February, Sarajevo, 13 February).____
For more information, please visit the webpage hackathons.balkanfund.org
*We are inviting all interested applicants to apply here
by February 18. All applicants will be informed about the final
selection by February 23.*____
The policy hackathons are organised by the European Fund for the
Balkans, as part of marking the first 10 years of its work. The partners
for this project are Mozaik Foundation (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Free
Libre Open Source Software Kosova (Kosovo) and Mladiinfo International
(Macedonia). ____
Best regards,
*Besfort Guri*
/Board Member/
*FLOSSK (Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova)*
+386 (0) 49 877 575 <tel:+386%2049%20199%20992>
info@flossk.org <mailto:info@flossk.org> | www.flossk.org
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