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Re: Debian@26C3 - chaos communication congress in berlin

Hi Arne, *,

On Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009, Arne Wichmann wrote:
> Ok, as nobody else is organizing I will try to do it... Please put yourself
> on http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2009/26C3 (in easy German).

Cool! In private mail to me Philip Paeps (bcc:ed) also volunteered to organize 
the booth, he uses http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/wiki/index.php/Debian 
which links to the page in the Debian wiki, so I assume you have been in 
contact with each other... I just wanted to point this out here, to announce 
that we have actually several organizers this year, which I consider an 
absolute feature.

If you plan to send merchandise to the congress, I would propose to send it to 
the BCCs snail address (BCC as in Berlin Congress Center) and address it to 
yourself or to "Holger@Debian / Holger@ccchh" and then ping me so I can pick 
it up. I'll be in Berlin on the evening of the 26th... (but I'm happy _not_ 
to organize the booth, though I'm also happy to act as the snail-mail gateway 
as well as do some booth shifts...)

Looking forward to see you all there,

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