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Re: CfP: LinuxPark CeBIT 2005

On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 04:26:55AM +0100, Alexander Schmehl wrote:

> Please note the main topic on friday, 11th of March: "Business mit
> Debian Linux".  Therefore CCing -custom (whasn't there a debian
> enterprise subproject?  All informations I could found are nearly 2
> years old.)

Besides Debian Enterprise, Custom Debians are a very good way of making
busiess with Debian Linux, by supporting a specific community in the
best possible way by putting the whole power of Debian at their
disposal, adapted to their needs and then also providing support.
Skolelinux is a very good example of this.

I'd love to give a talk about it, and I already have things ready:


However I was not planning to go to CeBIT.

If someone else would like to do it, be free, if you like, to take
inspiration from my work or ask me about it.



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