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Re: critics about our presence at LinuxTag 2004

On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 12:23:04AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:

[Debian booth at LinuxTag 2004] 

> Below are some points, which I (and some others) didn't like:
> - The booth looked like a pigpen at the evening and in the morning.
> Possible solution: Throw your rubbish in the garbage back instead of
>   leaving it somewhere at our booth. Clean up in the evening.
>   Write your name on your mug, so you don't need to take four mugs a
>   day.

I would like to add a bit to this. Several of the free software
booths, including the Debian one, looked like a trashbin after
dismanteling. Is it too much to ask that everybody cleans up a little
bit and puts the garbage into the trash bags that were given out by
the LinuxTag organizers? The LinuxTag people had to go around with a
group of volunteers to clean up the big mess after the exhibition
closed, and there are definitely other (and nicer) things to do than
to clear up other people's garbage.
What would you think if you had guests at your house and they would
just drop off lots of garbage everywhere, leave half-drunk bottles
and cans standing around at every corner and spill cola and coffee
over the tables without even trying to clean it up?

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