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Re: schedule for DebianDay at LinuxTag 2.0

Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Good evening,
> you want it, you get it: Here is a schedule with a lunch break, which
> satisfies as much scheduling wishes from the speakers as possible (I
> couldn't satisfie my own :(
> 10:00 - 10:50	Andreas Tille
> 		Custom Debian Distribution reloaded,
> 		including mastering Live CDs
> 11:00 - 11:50	Michael Banck
> 		Debian GNU / Hurd
> 12:00 - 12:20	Jörg Jaspert
> 		Einführung in das Bauen von Debian-Paketen

Err.. if you believe you can explain package building in 20 minutes, I
guess you could as well leave that slot open or give a BoF instaed.

> 13:30 - 14:20	Jonathon Oxer
> 		Linux Kernel, the Debian way

This won't work since we don't have slots that start at *:30.  All
slots start at *:00.

I guess there are three ways to deal with a lunch break:

 a) There is no explicit lunch break.  This is how the schedule was
    handled during past years for both workshops and the free
    conference program.

    Rationale: Only very few people will want to listen to every talk
      on a day, so they will probably get a chance to visit a caterer,
      bakery or the booth to fetch something to eat/drink.  Also,
      those who plan to attend all talks can still have a
      lunch-package that they can use when the speaker changes.

 b) There will be an explicit lunch break, i.e. an unused slot during

 c) There will be a talk of a completely different scope in the
    "lunch-slot", so that those people who listened before, won't
    attend this talk and hence have a break.

You can still move some talks to the next day as long as there are
unused slots.  That way, you could install an explicit lunch-break
without losing content.



If nothing changes, everything will remain the same.  -- Barne's Law

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