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Accommodation at Linux Days Luxembourg


Just phoned to the youth hostel:

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 12:12:40AM +0100, Axel Beckert wrote:
> | From: mike@cluon.priv.at (Thomas 'Mike' Michlmayr)
> | Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:34:44 +0200
> |
> | there's one youth hostel in town:
> | http://www.youthhostels.lu/e/auberges/luxembourg/auberge.html.
> |
> | dorm room goes for EUR 15.5, linen included.

Well, the bad news is: This is not as I expected per room but per
person and night! So it would have been 31 EUR for everyone who wants
to sleep at the youth hostel.

The good news is: After that, I phoned Guilan Devillers, who offered
us 2 to 3 places. He has beds for accomodating 2 people, but if the
rest of us would bring camping mats and sleeping bags, 4 people are no
problem. So to be sure, I would suggest, that _everyone_ brings his
camping mat and sleeping bag _or_ contacts me, if he does not want to
sleep on camping mats.

The address is:

    Devillers, Guilain
    67 rte de Luxembourg
    L-8077 Bertrange (Bartreng) 

It's in the west of Luxembourg. If you come from Trier (Germany) it's
the fourth highway exit, he told me.

Thanks Dali for finding the sleeping place and thanks for Guilan for
the possibility to sleep at his house.

		Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - abe@deuxchevaux.org - http://abe.home.pages.de/

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