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Re: Re: CeBIT

On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 02:22:10PM +0100, Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
> > Secondly how is it lookign with the computer when have on the booth.
> > Is screen and pc all-ready and do we know how we will set it up, with
> > what etc. ?
> Does anybody know about that? If you have any good ideas what to show
> that would probably be appreciated...

I can give some infos about this:
  I write a mail to LL and I have requested a normal PC with TFT-Monitor
  (normal office pc). LL will make a backup from the whole disk and we
  can fdisk/install/... the pc. 

  On the first day Alexander must install the pc with debian. Alexander
  should have some CDs with debian and install this. 

  I have requested a internet connection too. Last time we have a dsl
  like connection via a dsl router. (We don't need make this dsl setup.)
  After the install he can upgrade to testing/sid etc. via net. 

  Please Alexander don't make a full install. If you had X and net
  working, you can start your demos. 

some thoughts:
 - don't install any package on the pc with the installation. If
   someone ask 'have you XXX?', say: 'not jet', type apt-cache search,
   apt-get install and show the request package/programm. 
 - Don't use KDE. (KDE is not evil, but the visitors see this on _any_
   linux like booth.) You can install it, you can start a second X
   server with KDE running, and show it on request. But don't use it
   with your normal demo. 
 - if you don't know some thing, say it. (we all not a expert in all
   tasks) But maybe you can search with the visitor in the internet
   for the answer of his question. Also you can use the IRC-Net for
   this 'hot questions'. Use the debian community!
 - If you can, show things on request. Like building debian package,
   config things, installing packages, apt pinning. 
 - Importent: talk about free software! Without this freedom, this all
   is not possible. Educate the visitors about this importent fact.

> > And by the way, I can bring 80 gb. of Debian mirror on a harddrive if
> > needed. Just need to know exactly what we need to mirror.
> Won't hurt. Do we have internet access by the way?

We should have on. If not, I will send a warning mail. 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Prozessoren und RAM-Ausbau sind Statussymbole f?r DAU's.

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