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Re: Comments on CD images v4 (was Re: new CD images (II))


ok, ich habe jetzt mir einfach mal Zeit genommen und die CD fertig zu

Überprüfe doch bitte alles nochmal und sende mir E-Mails zurück. Danke
Ich habe z.B. nicht das BTS abgefragt etc.

btw: Morgen muß die CD fertig sein und ich habe morgen fast keine

On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 10:37:36AM +0200, Stefan Gybas wrote:
> - devfsd (for kernel 2.4)

add devfsd_1.3.11-0.1_i386.deb

> - reiserfsprogs (for kernel 2.4)

add reiserfsprogs_3.x.0j-2_i386.deb

> - pppoe

add pppoe_3.0-2_i386.deb

> - libapache-mod-ssl (non-US)


> - zip (why was it removed from v3 to v4?)

add zip-crypt

> - java-compiler-dummy (if not included, we can remove java-common)
> - java-virtual-machine-dummy
> - grub
> - coldsync
> - mkisofs (recommended by cdrecord)
> - krb5-user (non-US, recommended by libkrb53)


> - netscape-smotif-477 (non-free, and everything it depends on) [1]


> The following packages from potato-proposed-updates / unstable should also
> be included:
> - boot-floppies 2.2.24 from potato-proposed-updates (contains kernel 2.2.19
>   which is in pool/ on the CD)

i use now 2.2.26-2001-06-14

> - pcmcia-modules-2.2.19* from potato-proposed-updates (required by
>   kernel-image-2.2.19*)

add pcmcia-modules-2.2.19*_3.1.25-3k2_i386.deb

I hope this version is ok...

> - lvm and lvm-common (for kernel 2.4)

ok, add lvm_0.8i-1.deb and lvm-common_1.0.3_i386.deb

> Some package should be upgraded to the current version in testing, at lease
> these:
> - ssh 2.5.2p2 (non-US, instead of the included 2.2.0)

add ssh_2.5.2p2-2.1_i386.deb

> - dpkg 1.9.6 (or better 1.9.9 from unstable)


> - fetchmail-ssl 5.8.3-1 (non-US, depended on by fetchmailconf 5.8.3-1)

add fetchmail-ssl_5.8.4-1_i386.deb and fetchmailconf_5.8.3-1_all.deb

> - gdb 5.0-4 from unstable (recommended by ddd, RC bugs are for non-i386)


> - mozilla 0.9.1 (M18 is from Sep 2000!) [1]

siehe Mail, die ich gleich senden werden....

> These packages should be removed IMHO (all have no reverse dependencies):
> - libstdc++3.0 (depends on gcc-3.0-base which is not available)
> - libungif3g-dev (conflicts with libungif4-dev, gdk-imlib-dev depends on
>   either)
> - qt-designer and uic (both conflict with kde-designer)
> - aolserver (preinst exits with error 100)
> - kernel-image-2.2.18pre21* with pcmcia-modules from dists/potato/base
>   (2.2.19 is in pool/ on the CD)

all ok 

> - libsdl1.1 (install smpeg-xmms 0.3.4-4 from unstable which depends on
>   libsdl1.2, this is better because libsmpeg0 also depends on libsdl1.2)
>   SDL 1.1 is obsolte and was a decveopment versrion. The maintainer wants
>   to remove in from the archive once all packages are linked aginast SDL 1.2.

ok, add smpeg-xmms_0.3.4-4_i386.deb

> - expect5.24 (expect 5.31 is still present)
> - itcl3.0 and itk3.1 (itcl3.1 and itk3.1 are still present)
> - tcl8.2 and tk8.2 (change task-tcltk to depend on 8.3)
   I get task-tcltk from unstable
> - zope-emarket
> - plugger and all libc5-based libraries: libpng0, libgd1, zlib1, libc5
> - netscape-base (or include the complete netscape) [1]

all ok. 

> We should then build a new base2_2.tgz (I can do this if noone else
> volunteers) with the version from testing instead of potato because
> upgrading causes some problems:
> - libc6 now uses /etc/locale-gen, this should be in base.tgz and configured
>   to build at lease de_DE
> - libc6 wants to restart inetd because of NSS changes
> - I got some requests by dpkg about changes config files (sorry, don't
>   remember which), this IMHO causes confusion to new users
> I found some problems with debconf:
> - I got the message "debconf: cannot preconfigure packages -- apt-utils isi
>   not installed." See #92140 for details.
>   Suggested solution: Put apt-utils in our base.tgz or change debconf's
>   dependencies
> - libterm-stool-perl is not installed so the Slang frontend does not work
>   Suggested solution: Put libterm-stool-perl in our base.tgz or change
>   debconf's dependencies

can you make a new base.tgz, with  libterm-stool-perl and apt-utils

> Some more suggestions:
> - Set the default keymap to German (in base-config and console-tools debconf
>   DB)
> - Set the default papersize to a4 (in libpaperg's debconf DB)

I don't make this.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"I am Borg of FSF - resistance is proprietary"

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