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LinuxTag etc.

Several things have to be decided in the near future.  How do we want
to proceed with it?  I guess nobody has a vote system running so if it
should be voted upon this has to be done manually.

  1. Date of Debian-Day

     [ ] Thursday
     [ ] Friday
     [ ] Saturday
     [ ] Sunday

  2. Type of Debian CD

     [ ] potato installation
     [ ] potato installation, with additions like Gnome, KDE, XF4 etc.
     [ ] woody installation
     [ ] unstable installation
     [ ] potato demo system
     [ ] potato demo system, with additions like Gnome, KDE, XF4 etc.
     [ ] woody demo system



If you come from outside of Finland, you live in wrong country.
	-- motd of irc.funet.fi

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