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Re: multiarch compatible cross compilers for Jessie

+++ Jean-Christian de Rivaz [2014-08-07 18:39 +0200]:
> As I understand, emDebian is now in a kind of "reloaded" state to
> take advantage of multiarch.
> Is there already multiarch cross compiler available for Jessie ?

Sort-of. cross-binutils packages are in Jessie (well, unstable so far)

gcc packages are not but are being proparely (and will hopefully be
more-or-less finalised at bootstrap sprint next week).

Details of apt and git repos are on https://wiki.debian.org/MultiarchCrossToolchainBuild

Any testing people can do of toolchains, and the cross-binutils packages
would be very helpful.

As would feedback on any of the issues at the sprint which we need to
decide.  (package names and layout, dependency translation, multiarch
builds in the archive, or -cross packages for eglibc/kernel-headers/libgcc1)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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