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Re: cross compile mips on x86_64: pcre?

+++ Arjen Verweij [2014-08-06 18:50 +0200]:
>    Hi,
>    I didn't know you could do that, that is pretty neat. Perhaps I was
>    confused by the availability of
>    ii  zlib1g-dev-mips-cross              1:             
>    all          compression library - development (for cross-compiling)
>    ii  zlib1g-mips-cross                  1:             
>    all          compression library - runtime (for cross-compiling)
>    for zlib. However, even with your hint, I am not ending up with pcre.h in
>    /usr/mips-linux-gnu/include while zlib.h is present there. Is it
>    unreasonable for me to expect them there?

OK, so the thing is that there is 'the old way' of doing this and 'the new way' of doing this. And it's not well documented. I want to find time to write it up properly.

-cross packages are made by dpkg-cross (and a few are in emdebian
 directly due to toolchain builds) (like zlib) They go in 

You can make new ones with dpkg-cross (see the man man page)

this is 'the old way'.

The new way is 'multiarch' where you just install the standard target arch packages like
That puts the files into
/usr/include/<triplet> (or sometimes just /usr/include if they don't actually vary with arch)

Obviously your toolchain needs to know to look in the right place for
headers and libs (A modern multiarch-aware one will try both
locations, an older one will only look in the /usr/<triplet> location)

I hope that make some sense

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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