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Emdebian Grip 3.0 (wheezy-grip) released

May 4th, 2013

The Emdebian Project is very pleased to announce the official release
of the Grip flavour of Embedded Debian - Emdebian Grip 3.0 based on
Debian GNU/Linux version 7.0 (codenamed wheezy).

A small Debian-compatible Emdebian installation Emdebian Grip 3.0
(wheezy-grip) is a smaller Debian that is binary compatible with Debian
and based around a small set of Debian packages intended for embedded
machines. Emdebian Grip 3.0 provides complete repositories of packages
for seven architectures (i386, amd64, powerpc, armhf, armel, mips and
mipsel), based on coreutils, glibc and perl. Grip includes support for
standard Debian tools like debootstrap, multistrap and debian-installer
and no functional changes compared to Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 wheezy.

Installations of Emdebian Grip 3.0 will work with standard Debian tools
like debootstrap, debian-installer, multistrap and debian-live - as
long as the device has enough space to generate such systems.

Emdebian Grip can support building packages and can be installed as a
simple migration from Debian in the normal ways. The recommended way to
install Emdebian Grip 3.0 is to use any existing Debian installation to
run multistrap to create the root filesystem and then install with an
appropriate kernel of your own. Emdebian Grip 3.0 only contains a small
number of kernels. An existing Debian root filesystem can also be
upgraded to Emdebian Grip as long as the packages installed are also
provided by Emdebian Grip. Alternatively, consider using debootstrap to
create a chroot or using the unofficial Debian Installer images for
Emdebian Grip e.g. if you are installing to a virtual machine for

As of Emdebian Grip 3.0, all active Emdebian Grip suites and codenames
will carry the -grip suffix compared to the equivalent Debian suites
and codenames. The Emdebian Grip components used in Emdebian Grip 2.0
have also been removed. This requires changes in your apt sources when

Mirror locations for squeeze:

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/emdebian/grip squeeze main dev doc debug java 
deb http://emdebian.bytesatwork.ch/mirror/grip squeeze main dev doc debug java

Mirror locations for wheezy-grip:

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/emdebian/grip wheezy-grip main
deb http://emdebian.bytesatwork.ch/mirror/grip wheezy-grip main

Emdebian Grip is planned to be merged into Debian before the next
stable release of Debian GNU/Linux and the -grip suffix will be
retained for suites and codenames of all future Emdebian Grip releases.
Once integrated, most standard Debian mirrors will carry Emdebian Grip
packages under the appropriate suite and codename for each subsequent
release. Wheezy-Grip packages will remain available on the current
mirrors until after wheezy-grip has become oldstable-grip.

Emdebian Grip 2.0 Squeeze is now oldstable and Emdebian Grip 3.0
wheezy-grip is stable-grip - there is no stable suite, just as testing
and unstable were removed at the start of the integration process. It
is recommended to always use the codename if you want an installation
to remain on a particular release. In this case, installations which
used the former suite name will also need to change stable to
stable-grip before upgrading to the new release.

Mirror locations for squeeze:

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/emdebian/grip stable main dev doc debug java 
deb http://emdebian.bytesatwork.ch/mirror/grip stable main dev doc debug java

Mirror locations for wheezy-grip:

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/emdebian/grip stable-grip main
deb http://emdebian.bytesatwork.ch/mirror/grip stable-grip main

Debian GNU/Linux can be installed from various installation media such
as DVDs, CDs, USB sticks and floppies, or from the network. XFCE is the
default desktop environment for Emdebian Grip 3.0.

Upgrades to Emdebian Grip GNU/Linux 3.0 from the previous Debian and
Emdebian releases, are automatically handled by the apt package
management tool for most configurations. As always, Debian and Emdebian
GNU/Linux systems can be upgraded painlessly, in place, without any
forced downtime, but it is strongly recommended to read the release
notes for possible issues and for detailed instructions on installing
and upgrading.

Release names

Full release title:
Emdebian GNU/Linux Grip 3.0 (based on Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 "wheezy").

Short release name:
Emdebian Grip 3.0 (wheezy-grip)

Common release names:
Emdebian Wheezy Grip or wheezy-grip

Please use these names if promoting the releases elsewhere.

More information: http://www.emdebian.org/grip/

About Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system, developed by more than a
thousand volunteers from all over the world who collaborate via the
Internet. Debian's dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature,
and its open development model make it unique among GNU/Linux

The Debian project's key strengths are its volunteer base, its
dedication to the Debian Social Contract, and its commitment to provide
the best operating system possible. Debian 7.0 is another important
step in that direction.

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
http://www.debian.org/, the Emdebian web pages at
http://www.emdebian.org/ or reply to this list.

All previous components have been merged back into main. When
downloading or updating, please use one of the two Emdebian Grip

deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/emdebian/grip wheezy-grip main
deb http://emdebian.bytesatwork.ch/mirror/grip wheezy-grip main

The mirror push has been started, so please allow time for the mirrors
to update.

Online version of this news:


Neil Williams

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