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EmDebian on a Ubiquiti RouterStation Pro

Hi all!

Starting from tomorrow, I'll be working on getting Debian/EmDebian Squeezy in 
a Ubiquiti RouterStation Pro.

While I know of debwrt [0], I think *maybe* there is another approach of 
getting this done.

Of course, if someone has already done this or can point me to some doc/give 
me some hints, I would higly appreciate it.

[0] <http://www.debwrt.net/>

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Ponga su mano en una estufa caliente por un minuto, y le parecerá como una 
Siéntese con una muchacha bonita por una hora, y le parecerá un minuto.
¡Eso es relatividad!.
 Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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