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Use of Multistrap with file: repositories


I cannot seem to make multistrap (2.1.13 from svn) work with a (flat)
'file:' repository on my system (running under ubuntu 10.04).

It first runs 

  apt-get ... update

followed by
  apt-get ... -o Apt::Get::Download-Only=true .. install <packages>

The apt-get from ubuntu 10.04 does nothing for packages residing in
'file:' repositories (i.e. does not copy them to
chroot/var/cache/apt/archives).  So in the next (unpack/install) step
multistrap just ignores those packages.

Is this a problem with ubuntu 10.04's apt-get, or with multistrap
2.1.13?  Any workaround other than moving my files into a directory
served by apache?

thanks for any help, 

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