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Re: Installation of Emdebian cross development tools on a Ubuntu host

Dnia 2011-04-18, pon o godzinie 18:51 +0200, Loïc Minier pisze:

Sorry for delay from me.

>  Basically I meant two things:
>  * this toolchain is a newer one than the 10.04 one (while the
>    cross-toolchain from 10.10 and 11.04 are built from the corresponding
>    toolchain sources)

Linaro backport PPA contains cross toolchain built from 11.04 sources as
it was meant as a tool for those who use LTS on their 'desktop' machines
and want to build something for 'target' device running 11.04 version.
Building using sources from 10.04 release would take much more time as
during 10.10 cycle I changed packaging of cross toolchain components a

>  * there was a time where you would get an updated host toolchain when
>    enabling the repository which had the cross-toolchain (e.g. you might
>    get a newer libc6 than the one from 10.04 if you enable the PPA); I
>    think this is solved now, but this is a risk you might want to be
>    aware of -- it would also be a bug though

There are few packages in this repository which have newer versions then
Lucid had:

- dpkg-cross 2.5.8 (older ones created packages not installable under
- gdb 7.2 (install 'gdb-multiarch' to debug cross binaries)
- linux-doc, linux-tools-common

Does it matter a lot for users? Should not. dpkg-cross one is bugfix
which is required because 10.10 users of that repository also use lucid
packages. Newer gdb has fixes and improvements from Linaro and allows to
cross debug target systems. Linux-doc and linux-tools-common can be
pinned to lucid versions by users.

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