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Re: Embedded and ARM Debian Sprint

On 11/11/2010 08:29 AM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

1. I love the idea of a Debian system based on uClibc rather than
glibc.  But I know that's a lot harder than it sounds.

I'm new to the Embdebian scene (and to embedded Linux generally, although I've been working with microcontrollers for years). I bought a Dockstar to replace my main server (it was always on, but not heavily utilized). I tried PlugApps, OpenWRT and Emdebian, but ended up with a stock Debian installation. However...

OpenWRT was really impressive for its packaging of a complete from-scratch cross build environment. You check stuff out of SVN, do a short text menu configuration (very much like old-school kernel config), type "make", and a couple hours later you have a uImage and a root file system that just works. And it's built on uClibc, I think.

The only problem I had with it, in fact, was building shared libs for Perl and PHP, which themselves relied on other shared libs (for MySQL and Postgres). I couldn't figure out how to do it without a native toolchain, and that's a bigger project than I wanted to undertake.

So anyway, OpenWRT might be a good place to look for inspiration.

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