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Customizeable Grip distro

Hello all,

Some questions about Emdebian Grip distribution management.
(Please don't blame me if I ask obvious things.)

- There is no .iso images for Grip. To create a target rootfs with Grip
"Squeeze" powerpc, I have to "debootstrap --arch=powerpc --foreign
squeeze grip/ http://www.emdebian.org/squeeze/";, like described here
http://emdebian.org/grip/index.html#preseeding, right?

- Suppose, I'd like to remove some of the packages from the standard
list of Emdebian Grip distribution and add some of the pre-built Debian
packages, which are not in this list (I'm aware of package
I guess I could use --exclude=$package1,$package2,... for those I want
to exclude.
Is there any other ways to create my own grip distro?

- How could I add a set of prebuilt packages from the main Debian distro
and get it "gripped" in automated way?
Should I to use apt-grip and create/maintain my own Emdebian grip repo,
using the emdebian-grip-server, like it is suggested here

(However, apt-grip "...needs to be run on a machine of the same
architecture as the device" - this is too strict, I'm afraid this won't
work for me...)

Thanks in advance,

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