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Re: multistrap on ubuntu

On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:51:44 +1000
twb@cybersource.com.au (Trent W. Buck) wrote:

> I think that's this bit.  It should have something like "next unless
> $sect in @bootstrap_sections".

Done - see other email.

> On conventional systems with hybrid repositories (such as Grip and
> Squeeze) I've always found package/suite to be an unreliable approach,
> because it only affects the immediate package, and not its dependencies.

apt will get the dependencies from the suite *if* the dependencies are
sufficiently strict that this is necessary. Otherwise, you get what you
should get - the majority of the system and only those packages which
are strictly necessary to meet dependencies. This is how experimental
is normally used.

> I have successfully installed a package from a flat repository using
> suite=./ components= explicitsuite=false.
> FWIW I am successfully using pinning with multistrap thusly:

That needs to remain supported - both explicitsuite and pinning
available, depending on needs.

> > 3) Nobbling services
> >
> > In fact it's important to stop apps starting services, as higher-level
> > services will result in things like apps in the chroot being bound to
> > socket on the base system.
> I think this is release-critical, or at least important.

It is not RC.

> > There may be more that should be done to safely install stuff in
> > chroots?
> There is indeed, at least for native builds.  Looking at live-build,
> transmute (my own infrastructure) and debootstrap, I find:
>   - The following mountpoints are temporarily mounted:
>     dev dev/pts dev/shm proc proc/bus/usb selinux sys tmp var/lock
>     var/run var/tmp

>   - The following files are temporarily replaced with stub versions:


These aren't stub versions, these are *directly copied from the host
system*. That is completely wrong for multistrap.


Neil Williams

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