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Re: Crush and maintainer scripts - Emdebian BAKED

On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:33:24 +0200
Simon Richter <sjr@debian.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 09:13:56PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > Change of plan -  or at least a clarification. The 'mv' support is
> > for the final files created by dpkg - /var/lib/dpkg/status - not the
> > maintainer scripts themselves, those will have gone from the
> > packages being downloaded.
> So in essence, a Baked repository will always have a fixed set of
> packages, all of which are always installed into the target file
> system, otherwise you will get inconsistencies with scripts that
> register packages' contents with other packages' curious and
> interesting plugin APIs, and base packages will need to be rebuild
> once one of their plugins changes?

No. One repository can handle more than one variant. The expectation
is that the eventual systems will be so small that plugins and other
high-level abstractions simply won't exist. Those that do will have to
be handled manually and in advance. I'm expecting that Baked will
nearly always use the "omit_required" option to the new multistrap
script, preventing the installation of the typical core Debian

There are no scripts at all, nothing to conflict with anything else.
There's no rebuilding on device, there's no automated updating of
package configuration on device, it's static. Fixed in advance. If a
package is updated in the local Baked repository and things break, fix
the package and reinstall. (Test with a native chroot first maybe.)
Packages are simply decompressed into place without regard for

If certain packages won't work that way, switch to Grip or Crush or
use alternative packages. If it means Baked can never use python then
maybe that's a good thing or a bug in python - take your pick. ;-)

The price is high but the benefits (of not having to run any maintainer
scripts, no second stage install, no first-boot configuration step)
could be worth it.

As with so many things, it's a balance and if Baked isn't suitable, use
one of the other Emdebian variants.

Baked is "all or nothing" - mixing Baked packages with standard
packages is going to be painful. However, any Debian package can be
"baked" (once I upload the next version of emdebian-grip) and then any
issues come down to the root filesystem configuration scripts that are
called when the rootfs is built (on a desktop machine, not on the

I know it's extreme but there it is. Emdebian Baked is about as far
from standard Debian as we can expect to get - nearly all assumptions
about how Debian normally works are rendered false in Baked.

It's experimentation time ....


Neil Williams

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