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Re: Crush cannot support building packages.

On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 13:32:11 -0300
Amandeep Bhullar <arm.debian@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Neil for the detailed reply. I now understand what you mean. I
> have this situation: My major objective of installing Emdebian Crush
> on the ARM board was to run Qt for Embedded Linux on the board. Since
> Qt need to be configured and built after downloading .tar file, and
> in absence of g++ or gcc running on the board, I wont be able to do
> it. This is what I want to do
> - http://doc.qtsoftware.com/4.5/qt-embedded-install.html

There's a reason why Qt is not already in Emdebian Crush . . . .

> Is there an alternative to having Qt installed on my board? Which of
> the follwoing two alternative you suggest or any other you have in
> your mind.
> 1. I dont mind a bigger (up to 70 - 80MB) filesystem but should have
> ability to compile and build packages.

Then use Emdebian Grip - although you'll need to be running armel. I'm
working on adding the relevant -dev packages and support tools for Grip
but you can always pull in the packages from Debian Sid instead because
Grip is binary compatible with Debian.

> I was wondering if I can use
> # debootstrap --arch arm lenny /RootFS

See multistrap or the Grip installation guides.

> to create a filesystem and then create a jffs2 image from it and use
> it. I tried it and it loads the filesystem just fine on the baord but
> after that an error comes up - unable to open initial console.

Your /etc/inittab needs adjustment before packing up the files to
create the image.

> Also
> the file system created this way has no inittab under etc folder. I
> wonder if you can comment on what in addition i must do to do this
> file system work. Emdebian used Busybox initailly, I dont know what
> the filesystem created like this is using.

You have a chance to modify any file before you create the image.

> 2. Second option is to keep using Emdebian Crush , configure and make
> Qt for arm on my Debian desktop, bring entire Qt folder to arm board
> and then just do a make install on the board. I am absolutely
> clueless, if it is a good (workable) option at all or it sounds very
> foolish.

Using Crush for Qt is not a practical option.


Neil Williams

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