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Re: Creating a rootfs with grip packages

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:22:33 +1100
Brendan Simon <Brendan@BrendanSimon.com> wrote:

> OK.  I think I see some differences in my goals to that of emdebian.

No, just differences between your goals and what multistrap can
currently achieve because the idea of multistrap evolved during work to
develop a make system for Emdebian on balloonboard. Emdebian supports
your goals as well as what is currently implemented.

> I don't need the target system to actually be running a true em/debian 
> system that can execute dpkg*, apt*, etc.
> I just want to use em/debian binary packages and tools to create a 
> rootfs, which I can then program directly into flash.  The kernel would 
> then mount the rootfs (from flash) and boot the target system.

So you just need a smaller rootfs - OK, I'll look at an option in
multistrap that omits the Required: packages and leaves it completely
down to the list of packages specified. However, you will need to be
careful with that selection and that rootfs will still need perl and
glibc etc. It is still Grip.
> So if emsandbox or multistrap can extract all files (via 'dpkg -e' and 
> 'dpkg -x'), I could do my own postint by generating my own configuration 
> files.

emsandbox has had this support for a long time but emsandbox was
written when only Crush was being considered, it doesn't handle Grip
particularly gracefully. However, because emsandbox still uses
debootstrap, you are then limited to one repository but gain the
ability to have complete control over the package selection via the
suite script used by debootstrap.

> Are "maintainer scripts" and "postint" the same thing ???
> (or is postint just a subset of "maintainer scripts" ???)

Maintainer scripts include postinst, postrm, preinst, prerm and the
config+templates duo for debconf. preinst scripts are ignored (or
forced) during most installation methods and then become important in
subsequent upgrades. prerm and postrm scripts, naturally, don't occur
until upgrades start. config+templates are actioned via debconf prior
to postinst and both need to be completed before the installed
filesystem can actually serve as a bootable OS. In current
installations and all methods that can be completely automated, debconf
is set to just use the defaults for each package and whatever other
values can be calculated during the postinst scripts. Real user values
with prompts and changes from the defaults need debian-installer and/or
debconf pre-seeding.


Neil Williams

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