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Re: [CRUSH] Armel build scheduled?

On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:52:56 +0100
Hector Oron <hector.oron@gmail.com> wrote:

>   Could you clarify me how to work with the CodeAudit?
>   For example, i try to build 'directfb' but I ran into library issues,
> I think I was needing a lib-x11 dependency. I ran emdebuild --build-deps
> but it did not want to install cross'd libs (had dependencies problems).
> How should I proceed? Try to get the right libs, compile, check bugs on
> BTS and add information to wiki page?

Mark that package as Wait and tag (tools) because there seem to be
issues that prevent further work on it at this stage. Also check the
current patches for "functional changes" and add other tags to the wiki
page. Don't file bugs against the Debian package until the
cross-building is fixed. Don't file new bugs against the Debian package
until the Audit of that package is complete.

>   Another example I did, but it was already done, was 'cron' which cross
> compiles fine, and it has a bug report in the BTS, already noted on the
> wiki page.

There are unwanted patches for cron still, the build needs to be
updated so that the effect of emdebian-dirs.patch is handled by Grip.
The emdebian-control.patch indicates that adduser is removed which is a
functional change and should be indicated as such in the Audit page.
The emdebian-rules.patch needs to be updated to revert the sections
that are now covered by Grip - this *should* leave only the patch sent
to the specified bug report but the aim is to reinstate the debhelper
commands handling documentation now that Grip post-processing will
remove those more easily. Cron also needs an xcontrol tag because
xcontrol is not included in the package or in the diff sent to the bug

>   Another package is 'module-init-tools' which looks that have not been
> done yet. when trying to cross compile, i get:

Check the existing patches and see if something has gone wrong with
lines being removed or something. Not sure - someone needs to work on
that. :-)

> I check BTS, i could not find any bug report regarding cross compile,
> how should i work with wiki page in such cases.

I'm preparing a HowTo page to cover this in more detail.



Neil Williams

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