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Re: avoiding emsecondstage in crush for second target board

+++ hoefle marco [2009-09-08 11:32 +0200]:
> Hello,

> However, until now it is always necessary to physically execute dpkg -i
> on the board. Is there a way to update the NFS tree with a new emdebian
> package without executing dpkg on the target?

Yes, you can install/unpakc packages into a target rootfs (see
Phillipe deSwerts 'STAG' docs for details on how to do that
(essentially set a load of DPKG/apt config variables to point at the
approriate directories and database files).

The bit you can't easily do is run the install scripts during this
process. Sometimes they are for the wrong arch and mostly there is no
mechanism to point them into a chroot without chrooting.

The only good way to do this is with scratchbox which can handle all
the necessary file and arch remapping.

Fortunately for a lot of embedded cases you can simply not bother
running the install scripts and things will still work. Or you can run
the scripts on the board manually afterwards.

This is one problem that Debian doesn't have a good solution for yet. 

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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