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Re: NanoXML parser

Hello Neil,

Am 2008-08-08 10:00:07, schrieb Neil Williams:
> On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 22:58 +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Since I am fsck'ed with FLASH space I was serachin for a very small  XML
> > parser and have found < http://nanoxml.sourceforge.net/>.
> The problem would be whether other applications could use it instead of
> libxml2 - I doubt it could be a "drop-in" replacement so that could mean
> a lot of patches. It would only be worth replacing libxml2 in newly
> written applications - at which point you should consider dropping XML
> entirely and using something more useful, like sqlite.

Since I am currently evaluating the AT91SAM7SE with a  bunch  of  Dallas
chips, I have used NanoXML in some of the  applications  which  use  the
1-Wire chips containing RAM or EEPROM.  From the CDs of  the  evaluation
kits they are all using NanoXML.  So yes, it is not a replacement but  a
solution for new applications.

Since I have only 8 MByte of FLASH, libxml2 is definitively to big since
it support functionalities I never need in embedded applications..

> (e.g. gpe-expenses, via QOF, has XML and SQLite support but only the
> SQLite backend is installed in Emdebian. That said, it is hard to get
> any GUI environment that does not bring in libxml2 anyway.)

Thats sad...

> SQLite is faster than XML, it is more memory efficient than XML, just as
> portable, supports easy data conversion into a variety of other formats
> and is, IMHO, the defacto standard for embedded system data storage.

But you can not install SQLite in a 1-Wire Chip...  ;-)

> It is empirically "for Java" and hasn't been updated since 2003. It has
> been around all that time and nobody has considered packaging it for
> Debian yet. Choosing to use it could easily mean that you effectively
> become the current upstream maintainer as well as packaging maintainer.

But AFAIK it is bugfree.
Maybe I a will pack it for me and of course Debian.

> > I personaly think, it could be useful for embedded systems since the XML
> > parser availlable in Debian eaating to much space...
> I disagree - it could actually waste space and time. libglib2.0-0
> includes (arguably) more relevant functionality:

How much diskspace does libglib consume on EmDebian?

I have 8 MByte of FLASH Memory and increasing it to 16 MByte would  make
my application arround 4 US$ more expensive.  (in a production of 2500)

> "The "GMarkup" parser is intended to parse a simple markup format that's
> a subset of XML. This is a small, efficient, easy-to-use parser. It
> should not be used if you expect to interoperate with other applications
> generating full-scale XML. However, it's very useful for application

OK; this is not the case since NanoXML != XML.
They have different goals.

> data files, config files, etc. where you know your application will be
> the only one writing the file. Full-scale XML parsers should be able to
> parse the subset used by GMarkup, so you can easily migrate to
> full-scale XML at a later time if the need arises."

It seems I have to look into GMarkup...

> Depending on what other applications are going to be installed,
> libglib2.0-0 is probably already a dependency within your package set.
> Currently, langupdate (providing the locale support within Emdebian)
> depends on libglib2.0-0.

Since my FLASH space is limited I am already striping ANY binaries since
even EmDebian is currently too big...

> With this in mind, newly written code - IMHO - should be targetted at a
> small XML parser that explicitly supports later migration to a more
> capable XML parser and which is already available in Debian and existing
> package sets. Porting existing code to GMarkup or nanoxml is a
> non-trivial exercise.
> libxml2 is a 1Mb shared library package in Emdebian.

Ops, it 3 times bigger then my Kernel...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/9351947    50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
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