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server updated to etch, and emdebian bugs system query

I have migrated the emdebian server to etch this weekend, so if
anything broke it is my fault. 

I have added munin and monit for monitoring purposes and enabled 

A bug tracker would be a good idea for emdebian. Zumbi set
up emdebian.org/bugs a while back, which is an instance of the debian
bug database. To use this we need to set up email, which has a certain
admin overhead due to spam.

Does anyone have strong opinions about whether we should use the
standard debian bug system (primiarily driven through email) or use
something else, with a web-only interface?

I think the sensible thing is to use the standard debian stuff, but I
am a bit concerned about how I will have yet another server to fight
spam on, which is a great way of wasting time.


Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian

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