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Re: uClibc (was: Emdebian at Linuxworld Exp..)

On Wed Oct 29, 2003 at 09:07:42AM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> That is a more sensible default I agree. Makes life difficult for the
> ARM7500FE people, but it does seem more sensible than making it difficult
> for everybody else, which is the current state of affairs. If we compile
> everything for soft-float on arm how hard is it to use the real FPU on the
> few chips (one chip?) that do support it - does everything need recompiling
> due to incompatible ABIs?
> Even in this case I think it's still worth doing, as FPUed arm chips are in
> such a tiny minority, but Vince might complain (as an arm7500FE machine vendor :-).

There would need to be a separate hard-float distro for that.
Each and every binary and library compiled for soft-float would
be totally incompatible with hard-float.

> > I built Debian woody vs
> > uClibc with locale support entirely disabled....  After compiling
> > up libintl and gettext, everything works as expected.
> Did you use pbuilder or something for this? Sounds like emdebian should steal
> your config/set-up for this, as it's presumably pretty-well what's required
> for our scheme, modulo the new emdebian targets. 
> Is it in an accessible form somewhere we can take a look at?

My method consisted of several steps.  Step one was to use the
uClibc buildroot to build a fully functional developemnt system
for the target arch (in this case x86) complete with gcc 3.3.2,
make, etc.  

Step two was to use 'apt-get source' on the list of debian
packages included in debootstrap, providing me with unpacked and
ready to compile source for all the base system stuff.

Step three to install the dev system onto a standalone large hard
drive and configure a bootloader and the kernel so I could boot
into the thing.  And then boot.

Step four was to manually recompile and manually install all the
basics on top of the existing rootfs.  Once I had all the
necessary stuff, I then manually built and installed dpkg.

Step five was to then use 'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -d' to build
dpkg and install dpkg (using 'dpkg --force-depends') as the first
properly installed .deb on the system.

Step six was to then rebuild and install all the basics using
'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -d' until I was able to build and
install 'apt-get' with all of its dependancies met.

I then was able to begin using 'apt-get source -b <pkg>' to build
around 500 packages by hand, slowly filling in both package
dependancies and build dependancies until I no longer needed to
force everything.  This proved somewhat challenging in places
since there are _many_ circular dependancies in the debian source


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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