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Re: aligning my embedded Linux efforts with emdebian

Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 08:35:33PM -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:

Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:

May I suggest having a look at http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/ ?
It downloads and builds gcc, binutils, and glibc -- and then
tests them!  I'd be more than happy to have it get more real-world
use; right now it's only well tested for sh4, ppc405, and ppc750.  ...

My crosstool scripts support gcc-2.9x through gcc-3.3
and glibc-2.2.3 through glibc-3.3.
Also, Hollabaugh's scripts don't run the binutils, gcc, or glibc
regression tests; mine do.  You can see my regression results
at http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/current/summaries/

That's interesting, do you plan a debian packaging for all that?

Yes.  I plan to target RPM, .deb, and .lsb.  (I'd prefer to
just target .lsb, and will probably use alien to convert
the .lsb's to .deb, if that's how Debian likes to install .lsb's.)

Ugh, a 'real' .deb package is better... I could volunteer for that...

Hey, that'd be awesome.  How do you generate multiple .deb's
from one source tarball?  Can you have a tiny .deb.src (or whatever)
for each processor type that just has a few parameters, and
depends on a main .deb.src that has the real stuff?

One of these days, we've got to get past the bias against LSB
packages.  Does Debian really not cope well with them?
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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