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Re: yasnippet commits review

Hello Nicholas,

Le dimanche 8 janvier 2023 à 18:12, Nicholas D Steeves <sten@debian.org> a écrit :

I've created the branch "temp-agon-reviewed_by_sten" which is
fast-forwardable relative from "temp". This was necessary because the following are not doc-related...self tests for core functionality
shouldn't break:

    3 unexpected results:
       FAILED  basic-jit-loading
       FAILED  basic-jit-loading-with-compiled-snippets
       FAILED  visiting-compiled-snippets

(ert-deftest basic-jit-loading ()
  "Test basic loading and expansion of snippets"
(ert-deftest basic-jit-loading-with-compiled-snippets ()
  "Test basic loading and expansion of compiled snippets"
(ert-deftest visiting-compiled-snippets ()
  "Test snippet visiting for compiled snippets."

Very well, I've seen the branch. Since we can rewrite history as long as we haven't merged into master, will you let me remove my commits from your branch rather than simply revert them ? I can do it whenever its convenient for you, just before you merge to master.

This patch has "Forwarded: yes" in the header, so you've already claimed that it's been forwarded ;) It would be nice to have the URL it was/will be forwarded to rather than "yes" here, so that the next person who works on this package can track upstream discussion and status of your patch. I think it's likely upstream will accept it, an in the interim I think other people will appreciate having it made public. Ie makes it easier for someone to fork and apply all the important PRs to get
yasnippet working again.

Also if for some reason the upstream project becomes inaccessible, it's worthwhile to have a line or two in your patch header that explains your thinking (for the future maintainer of the Debian package). Sometimes the Debian packages ends up being the only living project, and thus the defacto "upstream" (hopefully only until an upstream fork is made).

I haven't forwarded it yet, this is exactly what I wanted to do after you reviewed the patch. I'll open a PR on the upstream repo, reference the issue David opened, explain my thinking there and on the patch header as well.

Unfortunately this Debian package doesn't have an active human
maintainer, so this becomes an "if someone happens to notice and care about the failure" rather than the existing early warning system. The hard failure alerts team members and interested parties, and correctly
removes the package from testing.

Fair point. Thanks for mentioning upstream PR. I've imported it.

Sorry for this. What I thought would be a (not so) simple unbreak of the documentation build turned out to be hiding other errors. I've seen that you and David discuss it on #debian-emacsen, I'll try and look into the remaining tests this weekend if I have the time.



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