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Re: a short review of ricorambo/dh-elpa-extras


Le samedi 28 octobre 2023 à 20:17, Nicholas D Steeves <sten@debian.org> a écrit :

Is this because the metadata is missing in Emacs 29.1
(upstream bug, as I noted existed in my understanding of the problem,
noted on #debian-emacs), or is it a bug in dh-elpa-extras?

This metadata is provided by the library "finder-inf" (/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/finder-inf.el), which sets the variable package--builtins to a constant value.

The library "finder" (/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/finder.el.gz) also provides some utilities, in particular the function finder-compile-keywords, that apparently parses all the source elisp files part of the load-path, and produces the file finder-inf.el. I am not entirely sure when this last file is produced (at compile time ? by upstream themselves, just before release ?).

The thing is, this library is apparently incapable of parsing the source file of transient correctly (and possibly others). I think this qualifies as an upstream bug, either in the finder library, or in the header of transient.el.gz (maybe someone did not respect some standard header format). Apparently, it looks for some header "version", when in the case of transient, it should look for "package-version". This could indeed be notified to upstream.

Oops, sorry, I missed this:

L9: http://paste.debian.net/1296572

Thanks for catching this issue!

Yes, the parser I implemented works at least for transient, so we can consider this problem orthogonal with our purpose in the meantime.

Moving on to your more important other points :

2. [ ] Can be run during the packaging of a $upstream_version-1 Debian
    revision of src:emacs to solve the bootstrap problem.

I think the first question we want to ask ourselves is how we want to inject this information in the control file : since we're packaging a new version of emacs once every 18 months or so, we could very well just do it manually and not bother with trying to include it in the build process of src:emacs. How I saw things, I imagined Someone(TM) would run the script, copy-paste the output in the right place in the control file and then build and push src:emacs. Of course, that Someone(TM) would have to remember to do it. If Rob and Sean agree, I could be that someone and arrange for this information to be included in the control file by pushing it to salsa, every time they finish packaging a new version, and before they push it.

On the other hand, if we absolutely want to include this info automatically at build-time, we have to think about the dependencies you mentioned. I needed aptitude to compute the list of packages maintained by the team, and I am not aware of a tool provided by an essential package that would allow us to do the same. I chose aptitude because it allows to search in specific fields of the control files, which apt-cache doesn't, if I'm not mistaken. As for the rest, I just need to get the list of packages provided by emacs from the finder-inf.el file, just after compiling it. The whole schroot machinery can go away, since the buildd machines run on unstable anyway (I needed them to make the scripts work on my machine, that runs on stable). I'm also not familiar at all with the rules file of src:emacs, so I wouldn't know how to modify it.

I personnaly have a preference for the first solution, because I'm lazy, but I'm curious what all of you think.

3. [ ] Please review your dependencies, because your work depends on at
    least one nifty tool from at least one Optional package.

I removed combine from the script calculate_intersection.sh, as it was provided by moreutils. Thanks for catching this. As for the other dependencies not provided by Essential packages, see my previous point.

Thank you very much for your review.



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