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[bts-link] source package evil-el ace-link is marked for autoremoval from testing ace-popup-menu is marked for autoremoval from testing ace-window is marked for autoremoval from testing adaptive-wrap is marked for autoremoval from testing aggressive-indent-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing apache-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing apiwrap-el is marked for autoremoval from testing assess-el is marked for autoremoval from testing atomic-chrome-el is marked for autoremoval from testing auto-dictionary-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing avy is marked for autoremoval from testing avy-menu is marked for autoremoval from testing bbdb is marked for autoremoval from testing beacon is marked for autoremoval from testing beginend-el is marked for autoremoval from testing bm-el is marked for autoremoval from testing bongo is marked for autoremoval from testing boxquote-el is marked for autoremoval from testing browse-kill-ring-el is marked for autoremoval from testing Bug#1009219: marked as done (Please import upstream version 2.5) Bug#1009219: Please import upstream version 2.5 Bug#1009433: marked as done (projectile: FTBFS: Config value: 'pages'. Error: The configuration option 'pages' was removed from MkDocs. Use 'nav' instead.) Bug#1010614: elpa-f: circular dependency between Emacs extensions during byte-compilation Bug#963727: dh-make-{elpa,perl}: move duplicate code to a library Re: Bug#993370: RFP: rg-el -- elpa-rg bui-el is marked for autoremoval from testing c-sig is marked for autoremoval from testing char-menu-el is marked for autoremoval from testing clojure-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing closql-el is marked for autoremoval from testing color-theme-modern is marked for autoremoval from testing company-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing csv-mode_1.19-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable csv-mode_1.20-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable cycle-quotes is marked for autoremoval from testing dap-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing darcsum is marked for autoremoval from testing dash-el is marked for autoremoval from testing debian-el is marked for autoremoval from testing debpaste-el is marked for autoremoval from testing deft is marked for autoremoval from testing devscripts-el is marked for autoremoval from testing dh-elpa is marked for autoremoval from testing dh-make-elpa is marked for autoremoval from testing diff-hl-el is marked for autoremoval from testing diffview-el is marked for autoremoval from testing diminish-el is marked for autoremoval from testing dimmer-el is marked for autoremoval from testing dired-du is marked for autoremoval from testing dired-quick-sort is marked for autoremoval from testing dired-rsync is marked for autoremoval from testing discover-my-major is marked for autoremoval from testing dockerfile-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing dpkg-dev-el is marked for autoremoval from testing dumb-jump-el is marked for autoremoval from testing dumb-jump-el_0.5.4-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable ebib is marked for autoremoval from testing ediprolog-el is marked for autoremoval from testing editorconfig-emacs is marked for autoremoval from testing el-mock-el is marked for autoremoval from testing el-x is marked for autoremoval from testing elfeed is marked for autoremoval from testing elisp-bug-hunter is marked for autoremoval from testing elisp-refs is marked for autoremoval from testing elisp-slime-nav is marked for autoremoval from testing elm-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing elpa-darkroom is marked for autoremoval from testing elpa-rust-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing elpa-subed is marked for autoremoval from testing elpa-transient is marked for autoremoval from testing elpa-undo-tree is marked for autoremoval from testing elpher is marked for autoremoval from testing elscreen is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-anzu is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-async is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-bash-completion is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-bind-map is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-buttercup is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-ctable is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-dashboard is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-db is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-deferred is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-desktop-notification-center is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-doom-themes is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-epc is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-fossil is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-fossil_2022.05.28-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable emacs-git-messenger is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-git-modes is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-goodies-el is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-helm-ag is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-highlight-indentation is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-htmlize is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-ivy is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-jabber is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-kv is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-lsp-haskell is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-lsp-ui is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-memoize is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-neotree is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-noflet is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-openwith is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-orgalist is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-pdf-tools is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-pg-el is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-pod-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-posframe is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-powerline is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-python-environment is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-request is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-session is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-smeargle is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-tablist is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-uuid is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-web-server is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-websocket is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-wgrep is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-which-key is marked for autoremoval from testing emacs-world-time-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing emacsql is marked for autoremoval from testing emacsql-sqlite3 is marked for autoremoval from testing engine-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing epl is marked for autoremoval from testing eproject-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ert-async-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ert-expectations-el is marked for autoremoval from testing esh-help-el is marked for autoremoval from testing eshell-bookmark is marked for autoremoval from testing eshell-git-prompt is marked for autoremoval from testing eshell-prompt-extras is marked for autoremoval from testing eshell-up is marked for autoremoval from testing eshell-z is marked for autoremoval from testing esup-el is marked for autoremoval from testing esxml is marked for autoremoval from testing evil-el is marked for autoremoval from testing exec-path-from-shell-el is marked for autoremoval from testing exwm is marked for autoremoval from testing eyebrowse-el is marked for autoremoval from testing f-el is marked for autoremoval from testing faceup is marked for autoremoval from testing fill-column-indicator is marked for autoremoval from testing find-file-in-project is marked for autoremoval from testing find-file-in-project_6.2.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable flx is marked for autoremoval from testing flycheck is marked for autoremoval from testing flycheck-package is marked for autoremoval from testing folding-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing folding-mode-el_0.0~git20220110.1ce338b-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable fountain-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing fsm-el is marked for autoremoval from testing geiser is marked for autoremoval from testing ggtags is marked for autoremoval from testing ghub-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ghub-plus-el is marked for autoremoval from testing git-annex-el is marked for autoremoval from testing git-auto-commit-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing git-timemachine is marked for autoremoval from testing gitlab-ci-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing gnuplot-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing go-mode.el is marked for autoremoval from testing golden-ratio-el is marked for autoremoval from testing goto-chg-el is marked for autoremoval from testing graphql-el is marked for autoremoval from testing graphviz-dot-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing haskell-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing helm is marked for autoremoval from testing helm-org is marked for autoremoval from testing helm-projectile is marked for autoremoval from testing helpful-el is marked for autoremoval from testing helpful-el_0.19-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable highlight-numbers-el is marked for autoremoval from testing hl-todo-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ht-el is marked for autoremoval from testing hungry-delete-el is marked for autoremoval from testing hydra-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ibuffer-projectile is marked for autoremoval from testing ibuffer-vc is marked for autoremoval from testing ido-ubiquitous is marked for autoremoval from testing ido-ubiquitous_4.14-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable ido-vertical-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing iedit is marked for autoremoval from testing imenu-list is marked for autoremoval from testing initsplit-el is marked for autoremoval from testing irony-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing jinja2-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing js2-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing key-chord-el is marked for autoremoval from testing ledger-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing let-alist is marked for autoremoval from testing linum-relative is marked for autoremoval from testing load-relative-el is marked for autoremoval from testing loop-el is marked for autoremoval from testing lsp-java is marked for autoremoval from testing lsp-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing lsp-treemacs is marked for autoremoval from testing lua-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing m-buffer-el is marked for autoremoval from testing magit is marked for autoremoval from testing magit-annex is marked for autoremoval from testing magit-forge-el is marked for autoremoval from testing magit-popup is marked for autoremoval from testing magit-todos is marked for autoremoval from testing makey is marked for autoremoval from testing markdown-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing markdown-mode_2.5-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable markdown-toc-el is marked for autoremoval from testing meson-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing message-templ is marked for autoremoval from testing minimap-el is marked for autoremoval from testing mocker-el is marked for autoremoval from testing modus-themes is marked for autoremoval from testing monokai-emacs is marked for autoremoval from testing move-text-el is marked for autoremoval from testing muse-el is marked for autoremoval from testing mutt-alias-el is marked for autoremoval from testing muttrc-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing nginx-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing no-littering-el is marked for autoremoval from testing nose-el is marked for autoremoval from testing nov-el is marked for autoremoval from testing olivetti-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing org-bullets is marked for autoremoval from testing org-contrib is marked for autoremoval from testing org-drill is marked for autoremoval from testing org-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing org-mode-doc is marked for autoremoval from testing org-roam is marked for autoremoval from testing org-tree-slide is marked for autoremoval from testing ox-texinfo-plus is marked for autoremoval from testing package-lint-el is marked for autoremoval from testing page-break-lines-el is marked for autoremoval from testing paredit-el is marked for autoremoval from testing paredit-everywhere is marked for autoremoval from testing parent-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing parsebib is marked for autoremoval from testing pcre2el is marked for autoremoval from testing persist-el is marked for autoremoval from testing perspective-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pfuture-el is marked for autoremoval from testing php-elisp is marked for autoremoval from testing pip-requirements-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pkg-info-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pointback is marked for autoremoval from testing popup-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pos-tip is marked for autoremoval from testing Processed: [bts-link] source package evil-el Processing of csv-mode_1.19-1_source.changes Processing of csv-mode_1.20-1_source.changes Processing of dumb-jump-el_0.5.4-1_source.changes Processing of emacs-fossil_2022.05.28-1_source.changes Processing of find-file-in-project_6.2.0-1_source.changes Processing of folding-mode-el_0.0~git20220110.1ce338b-1_source.changes Processing of helpful-el_0.19-1_source.changes Processing of ido-ubiquitous_4.14-1_source.changes Processing of markdown-mode_2.5-1_source.changes Processing of projectile_2.1.0-1.1_source.changes Processing of pyim-el_4.2.1-1_source.changes Processing of rainbow-mode_1.0.6-1_source.changes Processing of writegood-mode_2.2.0-1_source.changes project-el is marked for autoremoval from testing projectile is marked for autoremoval from testing projectile_2.1.0-1.1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable projectile_2.1.0-1.1_source.changes REJECTED puppet-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing py-autopep8-el is marked for autoremoval from testing py-isort-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pyim-basedict-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pyim-el is marked for autoremoval from testing pyim-el_4.2.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable pyvenv-el is marked for autoremoval from testing qml-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing queue-el is marked for autoremoval from testing racket-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing rainbow-delimiters is marked for autoremoval from testing rainbow-identifiers-el is marked for autoremoval from testing rainbow-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing rainbow-mode_1.0.6-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable recursive-narrow is marked for autoremoval from testing redtick is marked for autoremoval from testing relint-el is marked for autoremoval from testing restart-emacs is marked for autoremoval from testing rich-minority is marked for autoremoval from testing rtags is marked for autoremoval from testing s-el is marked for autoremoval from testing scala-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing seq-el is marked for autoremoval from testing sesman is marked for autoremoval from testing shut-up is marked for autoremoval from testing smart-mode-line is marked for autoremoval from testing smex is marked for autoremoval from testing sml-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing solarized-emacs is marked for autoremoval from testing spinner-el is marked for autoremoval from testing suggest-el is marked for autoremoval from testing super-save-el is marked for autoremoval from testing sxiv-el is marked for autoremoval from testing system-packages-el is marked for autoremoval from testing systemd-el is marked for autoremoval from testing tabbar-el is marked for autoremoval from testing transmission-el is marked for autoremoval from testing treemacs is marked for autoremoval from testing treepy-el is marked for autoremoval from testing undercover-el is marked for autoremoval from testing use-package is marked for autoremoval from testing vala-mode-el is marked for autoremoval from testing vimish-fold is marked for autoremoval from testing virtualenvwrapper-el is marked for autoremoval from testing visual-fill-column is marked for autoremoval from testing visual-regexp-el is marked for autoremoval from testing volume-el is marked for autoremoval from testing wc-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing web-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing weechat-el is marked for autoremoval from testing with-editor is marked for autoremoval from testing with-simulated-input-el is marked for autoremoval from testing writegood-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing writegood-mode_2.2.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable ws-butler is marked for autoremoval from testing xcite is marked for autoremoval from testing xelb is marked for autoremoval from testing xml-rpc-el is marked for autoremoval from testing xr-el is marked for autoremoval from testing xref-el is marked for autoremoval from testing yaml-el is marked for autoremoval from testing yaml-mode is marked for autoremoval from testing yasnippet is marked for autoremoval from testing yasnippet-snippets is marked for autoremoval from testing Your device has been cracked and infected. Your entire data was copied to external server. Read the manual inside now! zenburn-emacs is marked for autoremoval from testing ztree is marked for autoremoval from testing zzz-to-char is marked for autoremoval from testing The last update was on 20:20 GMT Sun May 29. There are 341 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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