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Re: Package elpher

Чт 30 июл 2020 @ 12:55 Dhavan <quark@codingquark.com>:

> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Thursday, July 30, 2020 6:05 PM, Lev Lamberov <dogsleg@debian.org> wrote:
>> When someone asks for sponsoring an upload, I expect the person to at
>> least try to build their package and run lintian against it. Currently,
>> I see only boilderplate generated by dh-make-elpa. Please, make sure you
>> pushed all of your commits to the repo.
> Thanks a lot for the detailed analysis!
> Now, I must first apologize for not conveying my intentions
> clearly. You are right, that this is just boilerplate. I have not
> worked on removing lintian's suggestions and other things that you
> pointed out. They are under my attention, and I was not asking for
> upload right now. I only wanted to understand the licensing part. This
> I _completely_ failed to convey! Again, I apologize that I wasted your
> time and energy.
> In fact I have some questions that I need to answer myself. Such as
> "How do I package .texinfo docs?"! I do not know how that is done, but
> I haven't looked at other packages doing this _at all_.
> I understand that the package is not ready for upload yet. I will be
> working on this at the earliest convenience (possibly tomorrow or the
> weekend).
> Thanks again for taking the trouble!

That's OK. I misunderstood these parts: "I have pushed my updates, and
they should work with gbp. <..> If there are more issues with the
package, kindly point them out." Sorry for rushing into it.


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