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Re: schedules Gnus releases

On 4 Apr 2006, Miles Bader stated:

> Gnus 5.11 is the "Gnus in the Emacs tree" (i.e., it already exists).
> No Gnus will be Gnus 5.12 when it's released.

> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
>> OK. So should I just give Gnus a version consistent with
>> internal versions, and call it Gnus 5.11.004 ?

> That might work in practice (because no released Gnus will ever have
> version 5.11.x), but conceptually it seems wrong because No Gnus
> isn't "release 004 of Gnus 5.11", it's "Gnus _after_ 5.11".  So how
> about something like "5.11+0.3" (where 0.3 is the No Gnus version)?

> So it seems like the proper version number for No Gnus in debian
> might be something like "5.11+0.3" or something -- that will never
> conflict with Gnus releases because no Gnus release will ever use
> 5.11.

        Well, to me, and to dpkg, 5.11.004 also conveys the meaning
 that this is a Gnus _after_ 5.11, and that is true conceptually, if
 not temporally. After all, No Gnus uses that version number
 internally, so this is not much of a stretch.

        Does changing a "." to a "+" make much difference? If not, I
 would prefer to stick with the upstream internal numbering; less to

Rome wasn't burnt in a day.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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