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schedules Gnus releases


        Upstream is planning on releasing Gnus 5.10.8, and No Gnus
 version 0.4,  in a couple of days. I am soliciting comments on how
 Gnus packaging should be done for Debian.

        Sid already contains No guns 0.3, but sets the version as
 5.10.6+<blargle> . Shipping Gnus 5.10.8  would essentially mean that
 people running Sid would have a downgrade, and is probably not

        If we ship No Gnus 0.4, the issue is again one of numbering,
 the reason upstream skipped 5.10.7 is because of us shipping No gnus,
 in part. I would like to prevent these in the future.

        So, we have either forcing people running Sid's Gnus to
 downgrade from No Gnus 0.3+ to 5.10.8, of ship an unreleased version
 and complicate versioning for future releases.  Not a clean path
 going forward. I am inclined to continue to ship No Gnus, and
 hopefully Emacs and Gnus shall release soon, or at least before etch,
 and then etch would release is Gnus 5.11.

OS/2 must die!
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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