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Re: Status of x-symbol?

* jmarant@nerim.net (Jérôme Marant) wrote:

> He hasn't done anything for 4 months. Did you write to him personaly?

No, I didn't send a ping to him but just took a quick look at the open
bug reports for x-symbol and searched for answers of him to these
reports (which are very old partially). How can I find out if a DD is

I looked at <URL:https://db.debian.org/> and
<URL:http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=dunham@debian.org> but
these didn't show much information. Is the echelon service (mentioned in
the Developer's Reference) only available after real logins at db.d.o?

> In the meantime, you could prepare an updated package. If you're not
> a DD, it doesn't matter.

Yeah, but then I would probably need to beg a DD for sponsorship, right?
I have already thought of preparing an updated package of x-symbol but
then I just decided to install the current upstream package (which also
doesn't seem to be heavily maintained nowadays) via the given
instruction for GNU Emacs on the webpage.

If I created a native Debian package of the new upstream version there
would be the problem that I can't test it under XEmacs since I only use
GNU Emacs.

> BTW, could you please shorten your message IDs? I do appreciate latin
> quotations, but not in message IDs :-P

Hehehehehe. Well, actually the length of my MID is RFC-valid and is my
personal revenge to OE users who always put the referenced MID into the
attribution line. I'll think of changing the MID for this list.

Rafael: "Wieviele Welten müssen noch brennen, bevor Du genug hast, Gabriel?"
Gabriel: "Nur noch eine. Diese. Ich bin nicht gierig."

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