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Re: Displaying special punctuation marks

csj@myrealbox.com writes:
> How do I get my emacs apps to display properly the special
> character ? in the sentence "We took a look at Warner?s
> release of the classic Gaslight" taken off a web page rendered by
> emacs-w3m?  The character is displayed as a fancy apostrophe when
> viewed in Mozilla.

Those characters are in a non-standard microsoft character set (many
people end up using them on web pages without realizing this).

I think this character set is available in emacs as `windows-1251', so
wherever in your app you do character set translation, try using that
(I'm not sure how this will affect _other_ characters, though, e.g. the
Ñ; the whole area of MS characters seems to be a big mess).

Alternatively, you could just translate specific problematic
MS-characters into more standard characters; for an example of this
approach, see `gnus-article-treat-dumbquotes' in the file
`lisp/gnus/gnus-art.el' in the emacs source tree.

Actually, here's the relevant translation table from gnus-art.el:

   (defvar gnus-article-dumbquotes-map
     '(("\202" ",")
       ("\203" "f")
       ("\204" ",,")
       ("\205" "...")
       ("\213" "<")
       ("\214" "OE")
       ("\221" "`")
       ("\222" "'")
       ("\223" "``")
       ("\224" "\"")
       ("\225" "*")
       ("\226" "-")
       ("\227" "--")
       ("\231" "(TM)")
       ("\233" ">")
       ("\234" "oe")
       ("\264" "'"))
     "Table for MS-to-Latin1 translation.")

[Caveat: I'm using the development version of emacs.]

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 all of life's problems' --Homer J. Simpson

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