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Re: It's Huntin' Season

>>"Ian" == Ian Zimmerman <itz@speakeasy.org> writes:

 Manoj> Either never change the file once created; or preserve user
 Manoj> changes.  If you never change the file once created, you have
 Manoj> nothing to worry about. It is only when people are changing
 Manoj> files that are already in place in /etc do questions arise.

 Adam> If a package places a file in /etc(this is a configuration file,
 Adam> but not a conffile), then I as a user/admin remove it, I don't
 Adam> want the package to put a new version in place.

 Ian> Sorry, but I don't think either of you answer Davide's question.

	How much clearer do I have to be? 

 Ian> Which is, WTH should he do to achieve the installation
 Ian> flexibility he wants to provide?  I write this as someone who
 Ian> used auctex for a while, and I very much appreciated having the
 Ian> choice.

	Why is my answer not an answer here? He can set up his package
 install scripts to only create the /etc/emacs*/start.d/ file to only
 be created at first install (and not to be recreated if the user has
 removed it in the past). He should not over write any user changes. 

 Adam> This doesn't mean you can interpeted as attempting to save
 Adam> changes.  Must is must is must.

 Davide> Should we change the Debian Emacs policy to allow me to put
 Davide> them somewhere else?

	You can;t. These are configuration files, and they must be in /etc.

 Adam> Emacs policy is wrong in this sense then.  Emacs policy does not
 Adam> replace Debian Policy, it enhances it.  And Debian Policy is
 Adam> very clear about files in /etc.

 Ian> This is a non-sequitur, isn't it?  The question is, WHERE SHOULD THESE
 Ian> FILES BE?  The Debian policy argument implies they shouldn't be in
 Ian> /etc.  So, where else?

	The files are precicely in the place they need to be. These
 are configuration files for the package, and hence, as per policy,
 they *MUST* be in /etc. Period.

 Chivalry, Schmivalry! Roger the thief has a method he uses for sneaky
 attacks: Folks who are reading are Characteristically Always
 Forgetting to Guard their own bac ...
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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