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mindent.el --- simple non-syntax sensitive indentation

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gnu.emacs.sources as well.

;;; mindent.el --- simple non-syntax sensitive indentation
;; Copyright (C) Ian Zimmerman, February 2002
;; Terms: GNU General Public License, Version 2

(defvar mindent-mode nil
  "The global flag for the mindent minor mode.")

(defvar mindent-comment-predicate (lambda () nil)
  "A predicate function called to determine if the point is in a comment.
By default, always returns nil.")

(defun mindent-mode (&optional arg)
  "Set or toggle the mindent minor mode.
\\<mindent-mode-map>  This mode provides simple, syntax-oblivious indentation
for languages that are too difficult to parse with current Emacs mechanisms,
such as Haskell.  Commands:

\\[mindent-backward-to-same-indent] - Move point back  N lines with less or \
same indentation.
\\[mindent-forward-to-same-indent] - Move point forward N lines with less or \
same indentation.
\\[mindent-backward-to-less-indent] - Move point back  N lines with stricly \
less indentation.
\\[mindent-forward-to-less-indent] - Move point forward N lines with strictly \
less indentation.
\\[mindent-indent-relative] - Indent current line relative to the Nth \
indentation point.
\\[mindent-unindent-line] - Unindent current line N levels.
\\[mindent-indent-region-relative] - Indent current region relative to \
the Nth indentation point.
\\[mindent-unindent-region] - Unindent region N levels.
\\[mindent-indent-to-char] - Indent current line to the Nth occurrence \
of C on the previous line.
\\[mindent-indent-as-line-starting] - Indent current line just like \
the Nth preceding line starting with C.
\\[mindent-indent-region-to-char] - Indent current region to the Nth \
occurrence of C on the previous line.
\\[mindent-indent-to-mouse] - Indent current line to column where mouse \
was clicked.
\\[mindent-indent-as-mouse-line] - Indent current line just like line where \
mouse was clicked.
\\[mindent-indent-region-to-mouse] - Indent current region to column where \
mouse was clicked.
\\[mindent-indent-region-as-mouse-line] - Indent current region just like line \
where mouse was clicked.

`mindent-comment-predicate' is a variable holding a predicate function called
to determine if the point is in a comment.
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((goal
         (if (null arg) (not mindent-mode)
           (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))))
    (if (or (and goal mindent-mode) (and (not goal) (not mindent-mode))) nil
      (if goal
            (make-variable-buffer-local 'mindent-mode)
            (setq mindent-mode t)
            (make-local-variable 'mindent-saved-indent-line-function)
            (setq mindent-saved-indent-line-function indent-line-function)
            (make-variable-buffer-local 'indent-line-function)
            (setq indent-line-function 'mindent-indent-line)
            (make-local-variable 'mindent-saved-indent-region-function)
            (setq mindent-saved-indent-region-function indent-region-function)
            (make-variable-buffer-local 'indent-region-function)
            (setq indent-region-function 'mindent-indent-region))
        (setq mindent-mode nil)
        (setq indent-line-function mindent-saved-indent-line-function)
        (setq indent-region-function mindent-saved-indent-region-function)))))

(defsubst turn-on-mindent-mode ()
  "Turn on the mindent minor mode."
  (mindent-mode 1))

(defsubst turn-off-mindent-mode ()
  "Turn off the mindent minor mode."
  (mindent-mode 0))

(or (assq 'mindent-mode minor-mode-alist)
    (setq minor-mode-alist
          (cons '(mindent-mode " Mindent") minor-mode-alist)))

(defvar mindent-mode-map nil
  "Keymap used in mindent mode.")
(if mindent-mode-map
  (setq mindent-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c[" 'mindent-backward-to-same-indent)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c]" 'mindent-forward-to-same-indent)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c\\" 'mindent-backward-to-less-indent)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c/" 'mindent-forward-to-less-indent)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c=" 'mindent-indent-relative)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c-" 'mindent-unindent-line)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c'" 'mindent-indent-region-relative)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c`" 'mindent-unindent-region)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c." 'mindent-indent-to-char)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c^" 'mindent-indent-as-line-starting)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map "\C-c," 'mindent-indent-region-to-char)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map [S-mouse-3] 'mindent-indent-to-mouse)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map [C-S-mouse-3] 'mindent-indent-as-mouse-line)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map [S-mouse-2] 'mindent-indent-region-to-mouse)
  (define-key mindent-mode-map [C-S-mouse-2]

(or (assq 'mindent-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
    (setq minor-mode-map-alist
          (cons (cons 'mindent-mode mindent-mode-map) minor-mode-map-alist)))

(defun mindent-backward-to-same-indent (&optional n)
  "Move point back  N lines with less or same indentation."
  (interactive "p")
  (beginning-of-line 1)
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-forward-to-same-indent (- n))
    (while (> n 0)
      (let ((i (current-indentation)))
        (forward-line -1)
        (while (or (> (current-indentation) i)
                   (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                    (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|" comment-start-skip "\\)")))
          (forward-line -1)))
      (setq n (1- n))))

(defun mindent-forward-to-same-indent (&optional n)
  "Move point forward N lines with less or same indentation."
  (interactive "p")
  (beginning-of-line 1)
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-backward-to-same-indent (- n))
    (while (> n 0)
      (let ((i (current-indentation)))
        (forward-line 1)
        (while (or (> (current-indentation) i)
                   (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                    (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|" comment-start-skip "\\)")))
          (forward-line 1)))
      (setq n (1- n))))

(defun mindent-backward-to-less-indent (&optional n)
  "Move point back  N lines with stricly less indentation."
  (interactive "p")
  (beginning-of-line 1)
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-forward-to-less-indent (- n))
    (while (> n 0)
      (let ((i (current-indentation)))
        (forward-line -1)
        (while (or (>= (current-indentation) i)
                   (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                    (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|" comment-start-skip "\\)")))
          (if (bobp) (error "Beginning of buffer"))
          (forward-line -1)))
      (setq n (1- n))))

(defun mindent-forward-to-less-indent (&optional n)
  "Move point forward N lines with strictly less indentation."
  (interactive "p")
  (beginning-of-line 1)
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-backward-to-less-indent (- n))
    (while (> n 0)
      (let ((i (current-indentation)))
        (forward-line 1)
        (while (or (>= (current-indentation) i)
                   (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                    (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|" comment-start-skip "\\)")))
          (if (eobp) (error "End of buffer"))
          (forward-line 1)))
      (setq n (1- n))))

(defun mindent-internal-indent-once (&optional bol-ok)
  "Indent to the next available indentation point.
Indentation points are the columns where the previous nonblank line
has a blank character, followed by a nonblank character.
Additionally, if BOL-OK is set, a nonblank character in column 0
is considered an indentation point."
  (let* ((here (current-column))
            (if (not (re-search-backward "\\(.\\|\n\\)\n" nil t)) 0
              (while (and (not (bobp))
                          (or (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                              (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|"
                (forward-line -1))
              (let ((endp (point)))
                (move-to-column here)
                (if (and bol-ok (bolp) (looking-at "\\S ")) nil
                  (re-search-forward "\\s \\S " endp 'move)
                  (backward-char 1))
    (indent-to indp)))

(defun mindent-internal-indent (n &optional bol-ok)
  "Go forward N indentation points, or as many as possible.
Assume point is exactly on left margin to start with."
   ((= n 0) nil)
   ((> n 0)
    (mindent-internal-indent-once bol-ok)
    (mindent-internal-indent (- n 1)))))

(defun mindent-unindent-line (n)
  "Unindent current line N levels.
That is, find the Nth stricly less indented line preceding
this one and reindent to it."
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((indp
           (mindent-backward-to-less-indent n)
    (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
          (indent-to indp))
      (indent-to indp))))           

(defun mindent-indent-line ()
  "Indent the current line the same as last nonblank one."
  (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
        (mindent-internal-indent 1))
    (mindent-internal-indent 1 t)))

(defun mindent-indent-relative (n)
  "Indent current line relative to the Nth indentation point.
Indentation points are the columns where the previous nonblank line
has a blank character, followed by a nonblank character.
With negative N, unindent current line N levels."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-unindent-line (- n))
    (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
          (mindent-internal-indent n))
      (mindent-internal-indent n))))

(defun mindent-indent-to-char (c n)
  "Indent current line to the Nth occurrence of C on the previous line."
  (interactive "cIndent to character: \np")
  (let* ((search-string
          (if (or (char-equal c ?-) (char-equal c ?^) (char-equal c ?\\ ))
              (concat "^\\" (char-to-string c))
            (concat "^" (char-to-string c))))
         (start-column (current-indentation))
         (goal (save-excursion
                 (forward-line -1)
                 (let ((limit (point)))
                   (move-to-column start-column)
                   (while (> n 0)
                     (skip-chars-forward search-string limit)
                     (setq n (1- n))
                     (if (and (> n 0) (< (point) limit))
                         (forward-char 1)))
    (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
          (indent-to goal))
      (indent-to goal))))

(defun mindent-indent-to-mouse (ev)
  "Indent current line to column where mouse was clicked."
  (interactive "@e")
  (let ((indp (car (posn-col-row (event-start ev)))))
    (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
          (indent-to indp))
      (indent-to indp))))

(defun mindent-indent-as-mouse-line (ev)
  "Indent current line just like line where mouse was clicked."
  (interactive "@e")
  (let ((indp
           (mouse-set-point ev)
    (if (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
          (indent-to indp))
      (indent-to indp))))

(defun mindent-indent-as-line-starting (c n)
  "Indent current line just like the Nth preceding line starting with C."
  (interactive "cIndent as line starting with: \np")
  (if (zerop n) nil
    (let* ((direction (if (> n 0) -1 1))
           (num (abs n))
              (beginning-of-line 1)
              (while (> num 0)
                (forward-line direction)
                (setq num (1- num))
                (while (or (not (looking-at
                                 (concat "[ \t]*"
                                         (regexp-quote (char-to-string c)))))
                           (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                            (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|" comment-start-skip "\\)")))
                  (if (or (bobp) (eobp)) (error "No such line"))
                  (forward-line direction)))
      (indent-line-to indp))))

;; functions that reindent entire regions
(defun mindent-compute-block-indent (pos)
  "Given a position POS, compute the amount of space needed to indent
the current line so that it is indented to the column which is the
current columns at POS.  The result can be negative, if unindenting is
necessary to get to POS."
  (let ((goal
           (goto-char pos)
    (- goal (current-indentation))))

(defun mindent-unindent-region (n start end)
  "Unindent region N levels.
That is, find the Nth stricly less indented line preceding
the first on in the region, and reindent to it."
  (interactive "p\nr")
    (goto-char start)
    (let* ((p (save-excursion
                (mindent-backward-to-less-indent n) (point)))
           (offset (mindent-compute-block-indent p)))
      (indent-code-rigidly start end offset))))

(defun mindent-indent-region (start end)
  "Indent the current region as a block to the level of the line preceding it."
  (interactive "r")
    (goto-char start)
    (let* ((indp
              (forward-line -1)
           (offset (mindent-compute-block-indent indp)))
      (indent-code-rigidly start end offset))))

(defun mindent-indent-region-relative (n start end)
  "Indent current region relative to the Nth indentation point.
Indentation points are the columns where the previous nonblank line
has a blank character, followed by a nonblank character.
With negative N, unindent current region N levels."
  (interactive "p\nr")
  (if (< n 0) (mindent-unindent-region (- n) start end)
      (goto-char start)
      (let* ((here (current-indentation))
                (if (not (re-search-backward "\\(.\\|\n\\)\n" nil t))
                  (while (and (not (bobp))
                              (or (funcall mindent-comment-predicate)
                                  (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*\\(\n\\|"
                    (forward-line -1))
                  (let ((endp (point)))
                    (move-to-column here)
                    (re-search-forward "\\s \\S " endp 'move n)
                    (backward-char 1)
             (offset (mindent-compute-block-indent indp)))
        (indent-code-rigidly start end offset)))))

(defun mindent-indent-region-to-char (c n start end)
  "Indent current region to the Nth occurrence of C on the previous line."
  (interactive "cIndent to character: \np\nr")
    (goto-char start)
    (let* ((search-string
            (if (or (char-equal c ?-) (char-equal c ?^) (char-equal c ?\\ ))
                (concat "^\\" (char-to-string c))
              (concat "^" (char-to-string c))))
           (start-column (current-indentation))
           (goal (save-excursion
                   (forward-line -1)
                   (let ((limit (point)))
                     (move-to-column start-column)
                     (while (> n 0)
                       (skip-chars-forward search-string limit)
                       (setq n (1- n))
                       (if (and (> n 0) (< (point) limit))
                           (forward-char 1)))
           (offset (- goal start-column)))
      (indent-code-rigidly start end offset))))

(defun mindent-indent-region-to-mouse (ev start end)
  "Indent current region to column where mouse was clicked."
  (interactive "@e\nr")
    (goto-char start)
    (let ((c (progn (back-to-indentation) (current-column)))
          (goal (car (posn-col-row (event-start ev)))))
      (indent-code-rigidly start end (- goal c)))))

(defun mindent-indent-region-as-mouse-line (ev start end)
  "Indent current region just like line where mouse was clicked."
  (interactive "@e\nr")
    (goto-char start)
    (let ((indp
             (mouse-set-point ev)
      (indent-code-rigidly start end (mindent-compute-block-indent indp)))))

(provide 'mindent)

;;; mindent.el ends here

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A. 
if (sizeof(signed) > sizeof(unsigned) + 4) { delete this; }
GPG: 433BA087  9C0F 194F 203A 63F7 B1B8  6E5A 8CA3 27DB 433B A087

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