debian-edu Apr 2020 by subject
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Bug#344030: marked as done (Profiles are not active upon logins like ssh -X)
Bug#559205: marked as done (desktop-profiles cannot apply gconf setting correctly (mandatory and default))
Bug#670514: marked as done (When open a ssh session with tcsh as shell, "noise" show up in the terminal)
Bug#935080: slapcat used in gosa hook script gosa-modify-host
Bug#955702: debian-edu-config: pre-configure GNOME's proxy settings
Bug#955707: debian-edu-config: use DuckDuckGo as Chromium's default search provider
Bug#955978: marked as done (should ship policies file to fix Thunderbird TLS/SSL setup)
Bug#955978: should ship policies file to fix Thunderbird TLS/SSL setup
Bug#956610: Removed package(s) from unstable
Bug#956610: RM: desktop-profiles -- ROM; unused
Bug#956861: buster-pu: package debian-edu-config/2.10.65+deb10u5
Bug#956861: debian-edu-config 2.10.65+deb10u5 flagged for acceptance
Content and translation status for the audacity manual
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-bullseye manual
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-buster manual
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-itil manual
Content and translation status for the rosegarden manual
debian-edu-config_2.10.65+deb10u5_source.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new
debian-edu-config_2.10.65+deb10u5_source.changes ACCEPTED into proposed-updates->stable-new, proposed-updates
debian-edu-config_2.11.19_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu-config_2.11.20_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu-config_2.11.21_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu-config_2.11.23_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu-doc is marked for autoremoval from testing
debian-edu-doc_2.11.5_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu-install_2.11.8_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
debian-edu_2.11.16_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
debian-edu_2.11.16_amd64.changes is NEW
debian-edu_2.11.17_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
New IT team
Problem at installation of gateway based on minimal debian-edu 10.3.0
Processed: Bug#955978 marked as pending in debian-edu-config
Processing of debian-edu-config_2.10.65+deb10u5_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-config_2.11.19_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-config_2.11.20_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-config_2.11.21_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-config_2.11.23_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-doc_2.11.5_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu-install_2.11.8_source.changes
Processing of debian-edu_2.11.16_amd64.changes
Processing of debian-edu_2.11.17_source.changes
The last update was on 08:40 GMT Tue Apr 28. There are 54 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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