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memberof overlay in ldap?

Hi All

We're trying to connect an owncloud (nextcloud soon) server to the ldap of the tjener, but we probably need the memberof overly in the ldap database (see for an example http://blog.adimian.com/2014/10/how-to-enable-memberof-using-openldap/)

Though I'm a sysadmin, I'm not familiar with ldap and I don't know if this is possible in the tjener without breaking anything. Has anyone tried this, or does anyone know if this will break the tjener functionality?

Our setup is like this:

server with vms:
 - vm with tjener (2 interfaces, 10.0/8 and LTSP)
 - vm with webserver+owncloud (2 interfaces, "public" and 10.0/8)

The tjener can be contacted directly on the 10.0/8 network by the webserver.

The cloud software needs the memberof functionality to implement sharing permissions (e.g. share file with all Teachers)

The reason it's a separate server is to leave the tjener mostly as is.

The tjener is currently running debian 7.x, but we plan to upgrade this summer to jessie.



PS, I've seen your efforts to release Jessie and it is much appreciated! I'm frustrated that I hardly have time enough to keep the tjener setup running, let alone help you testing the upgrade.

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