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Re: Problems with rosegarden manual?

[Ralf Gesellensetter]
> Hi Petter,

Hi. :)

> how are you?

Just fine.  Busy as usual, mostly with <URL: http://www.frikanalen.no/se >
these days. :)

> Just guessing - but as a sequencer, Rosegarden is very much
> dependent on Midi devices. If there is no physical extern sound modules,
> it can make use of virtual synthesizers such as timidity or fluidsynth.
> The package of rosegarden only suggests awesfx to manage sound banks.
> Please, check if installing  fluidsynth fixes your issue, maybe?

The instructions on
<URL: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Manuals/Rosegarden/Setup >
tell me to use qjackctl and qsynth to start jackd and fluidsynth, and
that is what I have tried.  Sound font is also in place, as the default
in Debian Edu for many years.  But no sound. :( I suspect something is
wrong with alsa/pulseaudio/jackd, but have not had time to investigate.
The recipe used to work earlier, and it is a great way to create music
in Debian Edu.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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